Tasteless, inane and disgusting: Family friend slams Left-wing paper for mocking death of Eton pupil mauled by a polar bear

October 2024 Forums General discussion Tasteless, inane and disgusting: Family friend slams Left-wing paper for mocking death of Eton pupil mauled by a polar bear

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    A left-wing newspaper mocked the death of an Eton schoolboy who was mauled on an Arctic expedition.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2688095/Tasteless-inane-disgusting-Family-friend-slams-Left-wing-paper-mocking-death-Eton-pupil-mauled-polar-bear.html#ixzz379J1Nooz 


    “Tasteless, inane and disgusting”Sounds like a good description of the Daily Hate Mail… So has it had a flash of self-awareness here? Oh no, sorry, my mistake… But like a stopped clock it can be right sometimes, (albeit never as much as twice a day). Meanwhile, the SWP seem to be in old ‘Class War’ mode here, harking back to the days of ‘Bash the Rich’ and ‘Hospitalised Copper’.


    The SWP certainly does appear to be set on a course of self-destruction with this latest story which follows in the wake of its egregious handling of the rape complaint against one of its leading members.   Hasten the day.


    SWP are scum. The Indy report this toohttp://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/press/socialist-worker-called-to-apologise-over-vile-article-saying-eton-schoolboy-horatio-chapples-death-is-reason-to-save-the-polar-bears-9597931.htmlAs far as I know Class War didn't actually joke about a child being killed. Also SWP National Secretary Charlie Kimber is an old Etonian.


    Can't you see how you aree being manipulated by the media? I can show you tasteless!!I wouldn't waste any more time on the SWP, the victim or the bear. If the article offends you then you cannot see or are ignoring reality. Why show concern for an individual while children are going  blind and hungry in their thousands. Have you seen what is happening in Palastine for example? Children with their faces half blown off. Can't you see the danger in fueling the diversion? The danger of putting PR before class war?     


    A class war doesn't preclude tasteful journalism. You can be concerned about a individual child as well as all children. The mainstream media increasingly resorts to fear, hysteria and exaggeration. The socialist press doesn't have to go along with this.

    steve colborn

    The same two-faced, lying, scum sucking paper who are reporting this "non-story", are fully in support of a system, Capitalism, in which 30 to 40000 children "under five", die every day from starvation or directly attributable desease. Where hundreds of millions of our fellows, have no access to clean drinking water, nor sanitaion. Live in slums and are every day exposed to toxins and desease. Whilst I personally, would not have done what the daily worker has done, now it is done, I would not keep this non-story going by mentioning it overmuch. If as much publicity was given to every individual young bairn, dying needlessly, as has been given to "one" 17 year old, the news would be flooded and maybe, just maybe, the eyes closed, ears plugged up members of the working class, who by their apathy, allow the things I have mentioned above, to go on, might just take a closer look and say "enough is enough"!!!

    jondwhite wrote:
    A class war doesn't preclude tasteful journalism. You can be concerned about a individual child as well as all children. The mainstream media increasingly resorts to fear, hysteria and exaggeration. The socialist press doesn't have to go along with this.

     Which was my point.  The WSM should not join in with the hysteria surrounding this. Some one has mentioned the training of party speakers in dealing with the media. This is a typical case – all the horrors of capitalism but they simply want 'socialism' condemned because of this tasteless remark by creating a hysteria around it. I do not agree with this man's politics but it adequately explains my point.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=516183671794761&set=vb.100002093972429&type=2&theater I am also reminded of an incident during the  84 Miners strike and the expert manner in which arthur  scarghill dealt with the media and refused to be drawn into their  agenda which was to get him to conemn a stiking miner.       Miners were starving and battered daily but the media had created hysteria around one miner who had  dropped a large rock from a bridge causing injury.He was asked repeatedly to condemn the miner and he repeatedly asked if the presenter to condemn the police for battering miners.  


    The WSM has its own press, it has recently had national TV coverage, and as socialists, the WSM has not made tasteless jokes about this, so why should socialism stand condemned by this in the media and go unanswered? Or at least answered here in one topic on this forum. The SWP are scum including for the reasons mentioned by gnome and stating this latest joke is tasteless does not preclude condemning the newspapers on other grounds. If the sky is blue is reported by the Daily Mail (or Socialist Worker) it doesn't mean WSM argue the sky is not blue.Even Louis Proyect saw through Alex Callinicos' pathetic attempts to rehabilitate the SWP by appealing to notions of solidarity among the broader 'radical/revolutionary left'http://louisproyect.org/2014/07/04/alex-callinicos-take-a-look-in-the-mirror/

    jondwhite wrote:
    The WSM has its own press, it has recently had national TV coverage, 

     That's great news but should it spend its meagre resourses on attacking SWP tasteless jokes or on attacking something like this: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1507105442857802&set=pcb.1507105876191092&type=1&theater or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er1kTF3smOEJust a random sample of things to attack! 


    Just clicked on the Facebook link, provided by Vin, of the latest round of Israeli airstrikes on Gaza…..Why?

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    Just clicked on the Facebook link, provided by Vin, of the latest round of Israeli airstrikes on Gaza…..Why?

    Why Israel is attacking Gaza or why  I posted it?


    Why?…"…Since the discovery of oil and gas in the Occupied Territories, resource competition has increasingly been at the heart of the conflict, motivated largely by Israel's increasing domestic energy woes.Mark Turner, founder of the Research Journalism Initiative, reported that the siege of Gaza and ensuing military pressure was designed to "eliminate" Hamas as "a viable political entity in Gaza" to generate a "political climate" conducive to a gas deal. This involved rehabilitating the defeated Fatah as the dominant political player in the West Bank, and "leveraging political tensions between the two parties, arming forces loyal to Abbas and the selective resumption of financial aid."…"http://tinyurl.com/q2npqby

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    SocialistPunk wrote:
    Just clicked on the Facebook link, provided by Vin, of the latest round of Israeli airstrikes on Gaza…..Why?

    Why Israel is attacking Gaza or why  I posted it?

    Hi Vin, the answer is neither. It was a rhetorical question, I couldn't find the words to addequately express the horror of those images. I tried, but in the end all that seemed appropriate was that one word.


    My thoughts too, SP. That was my point. Perhaps a new thread! PR or class war!  Is it time to look at the way the WSM presents its case?  Edit: or perhaps 'Reminders of why we need socialism now!' 

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