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    Jean charles de Menezes was killed 22/7/2005 in london tube system.The Ipcc conducted an investigation into this death.

    In 2013 The IPCC assisted Verrimus security to obtain counter espionage contracts in other countries.

    Verrimus security boasts that it trains ex special forces,internet allegations state the same regiments that killed Charles de menezes are employed by verrimus.this company has ex british soldiers as its directors and further internet observations of former trained staff indicate elite members of the british Army work in this country.This company has invested nearly a million in a newe training centre.This company at the very least is known to MI5 and also has worked at the very least along side MI5 in certain projects along with law inforcement agencies.

    this information has been given to Independemt journalist chloe hamilton and SWP party hq.

    we would like to see politicians demand answers to the IPCC using this company and carrying out work under secret service acts.


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    Why should I care?  If every conspiracy theory was proved to be true ,what difference would that make to my life?  Would it stop poverty, war, hunger? Would all wage slaves be set free?The planet is owned by a tiny minority who produce wealth only when they can make a profit. They have all the resources. Why not join us and take it from them.?We can abolish MI5   


    I don't think it a case of not caring. I do believe Vin cares that Jean Charles de Menezes was murdered by a bunch of trigger happy scumbags who lied about the events that took place to cover their backs.It's just we are not shocked by the things that capitalist governments get up to under the guise of protecting our freedom.Look how the government in the eighties dealt with the miners and the "peace convoy" travellers. Open brutality, backed by media bias and silence.Also we see the futility of seeking redress within the the framework of the rigged game of capitalism. Only when we bring about real socialism will we the workers of the world have any redress.


    Thanks SP, it is easy to be misunderstood. A lot of energy is spent on conspiracy theories, I have done it myself. In fact many conspiracy theories are or maybe true, but proving them will make not one iota of a difference to my life.For example, people were called nuts for claiming that JFK was shot by one of his own men from the car behind. It has now been admitted but I don't feel any better.I don't care about conspiracy theories or the MI5.  Both will continue in their various forms as long as capitalism exists.There is a more important issue to care about : capitalism, and it is killing millions.


    Hi VinI wasn't aware of any recent JFK admissions, be interested to have a butchers. Do you have a link?


    I may have been mistaken but I thought they admitted to the maker of this documentary that JFK was shot accidently by one of his own men. It has been proven that Oswald could not possibly have done the job himself. Still, I dont think it matters, the Kennedys were no saints. de Menezes is a different matter, he was completely innocent–Secret-Service-agent.html

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    I may have been mistaken but I thought they admitted to the maker of this documentary that JFK was shot accidently by one of his own men. It has been proven that Oswald could not possibly have done the job himself.

    You're not mistaken, Vin, but The Daily Mail story is old hat.  I saw a TV documentary months ago which was based on the book written by ex-aussie cop, Colin McLaren, entitled 'JFK; The Smoking Gun'. 


    Thanks for the reference gnome, I saw the same documentary but couldn't find the reference. I think a government agent or ex- agent admits it. 


    If anybody is interested to know this I called up David Dundale on the phone hes been in touch with both the Morning Star and other MPS and Rights watch uk .The information he has been given is as follows and it is GOVERNMENT EVIDENCE you type at google GSOC protocol and security debate 12 Feb 2014 there is a report involving Mick Wallace and Simon O Brien in that report former? British police Officer states clearly to Government that the IPCC were involved in setting up Verrimus security.The BBC itself wrote an article in Feb 2014 I could be mistaken however internet sources indicate that verrimus employ SRR members (special forces of uk) This is REAL this compant verrimus has its own web sites and they state publically that they have worked with MI5 they themselves are former military Directors and other very interesting subjects …..Theres no doubt at all the IPCC really did send an undercover espionage team trained by the british Army and that the same company used the sertvices of SRR .The press and politicians in uk have whitewashed this surely somebody can contact the IPCC for a statement1st Warning:  8. Do not register or operate more than one account without first obtaining permission from the moderators. Do not share your password with others or allow anyone else to use your account.

    scarebear wrote:
    If anybody is interested…

    Not particularly. But you do know you can use a user account more than once and don't have to keep starting new ones all the time pretending to be other people?


    Typical jondi kinda jive however the staff at thye Morning Star read these sites so I would take your complaint there sonny3rd Warning:  8. Do not register or operate more than one account without first obtaining permission from the moderators. Do not share your password with others or allow anyone else to use your account.


    Scarebear, what is it you hope to achieve?   

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