How do I disable receiving follow-up comments?

July 2024 Forums Website / Technical How do I disable receiving follow-up comments?

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  • #82731

    Under Members/My Account, I set the following to request I receive no notifications by automated email of follow-up contributions to Forum discussion threads:


    Receive comment follow-up notification e-mails:

    ( No notifications )


    However, I still receive notifications by automated email of follow-up contributions to Forum discussion threads.  

    My my question is — how do I stop these follow-up comments from being sent automatically to my email address?  

    I have the same problem. I want to stop receiving emails when a new message is posted to the 'Why would membership of the SPGB be refused' topic because it's got really boring and is going round in circles. I get the messages because I made an early contribution to the topic.I've unchecked the box to receive these notifications in my account settings but I'm still getting them.Can they be stopped? Or do I have to post to the topic again and uncheck the notification box at that time?


    Sorry there doesn't at present seem to be an easy way to unsubscribe from individual threads. I've made a mental note to try and add this feature when next working on improvements for the site.


    Ok thanks – with a bit of luck, the thread in question will be locked soon anyway as one of the mods has commented.

    steve colborn

     I find your comment above, very uncomradely. Others do not share your opinion, thankfully!


    Is that the thread with nearly 6000 views  lol    


    I don't think it's that funny. What kind of impression has been given to those people who have viewed it?Sometimes I wonder if we'd be better off without a forum, it's not like it draws many new posters in anyhow..


    You can't be sure of the impression it gives. My own opinion is that ideally EC meetings, Conference etc should be shown primetime TV;  show the world what real democracy is!    

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    You can't be sure of the impression it gives. My own opinion is that ideally EC meetings, Conference etc should be shown primetime TV;  show the world what real democracy is!

    The general trend has been for visits to the website to go up and up each year, so perhaps I was wrong.Hopefully now everything runs quicker more people will keep coming back…

    DJP wrote:
    Hopefully now everything runs quicker more people will keep coming back…

     Lets hope so   

    steve colborn
    DJP wrote:
    I don't think it's that funny. What kind of impression has been given to those people who have viewed it?Sometimes I wonder if we'd be better off without a forum, it's not like it draws many new posters in anyhow..

       I think the forum, rather than being offputting, shows the Party in a good light.We are prepared, as a Party and a collection of Socialists, to discuss awkward things, in an open and democratic way. Do we want the under the carpet methods of Labour, Liberal, Tory, SWP etc? "no"! Long may openness and Democracy reign!!!

    steve colborn wrote:
     I find your comment above, very uncomradely. Others do not share your opinion, thankfully!

    Oops – I didn't have you in mind Steve, nor Vin. And of course the subject matter of the thread is serious. I should probably have kept my electronic trap shut.But an unsubscribe or unfollow feature for when you're fed up of getting the notifications for a specific thread would be useful.

    steve colborn

    Actually rodshaw,  I would hate for you to keep your "electronic trap shut". There are others who share your opinion about the thread and why should'nt they/you. Lifes about opinions, more so, if you are involved in a revolutionary movement that's out to change society. So please, keep posting your opinions!


    The unsubscribe option in the emails appears to work. Just make sure you are logged into the website before you press the link.


    Ok, thanks.

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