When political differences are put to one side then the big bang will occur

October 2024 Forums General discussion When political differences are put to one side then the big bang will occur

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    The title is a response I made to a question on the transistion over on TZMUK facebook. I pointed out that many assume that the actual transition only kicks off once critical mass is attained when the fact of the matter is the transition is taking place in the here and now.

    I then elaborated on this by mentioning that there are small groups of workers who are currently working on collating data, calculating resources, doing reviews and assessments on how computer technology can used meaningfully in regards to program management and a systems approach in reference to human needs not wants, etc. In short, there are members of the working class devoting what time they have in affecting the transition in the here and now.  Very much like our Production for Use Committee.

    A sticking point came about when in a following post I suggested that this vital and necessary work lacks cohesion due to the political differences of those involved and inferred that despite these differences they generally constituted 'The Thin Red Line' who are determined to bringing about a classless, moneyless, stateless society based on production for use and free access.

    I then suggested that cohesion (the big bang) would occur once the political differences are put to one side and they continue their important work as part and parcel of the revolutionary process.  However, the implications of this suggestion means the workers will have to, to some extent, ignore their particular political allegiances in order to focus on the task in hand and proceed as members of the working class.

    Any thoughts on this?


    I agree Brian.There are so many groups out there, on what would be considered the "left" of politics (some very close to our position) that total agreement on how to achieve a workers global socialist revolution, is impossible. The basic similarities are the key. Lets face it, the WSM is made up of socialists that disagree on many levels and points of view. Some compromise is inevitable to achieve a society of common ownership and true democratic control. In the end it boils down to the nitty gritty of what compromises people are willing to make.  

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I agree Brian.There are so many groups out there, on what would be considered the "left" of politics (some very close to our position) that total agreement on how to achieve a workers global socialist revolution, is impossible. The basic similarities are the key. Lets face it, the WSM is made up of socialists that disagree on many levels and points of view. Some compromise is inevitable to achieve a society of common ownership and true democratic control. In the end it boils down to the nitty gritty of what compromises people are willing to make.  

    Yep that's about it in a nutshell.  However, lets not run away with the idea that such compromise involves an end to the battle of ideas, it wont for there will be no stopping that from continuing.  What such  compromise will bring to an end is the disunity of purpose in the technical and scientific field of socialist research.I imagine that if such compromise does come about this wont stop the feedback to the individual political organisations so they are encouraged to run with the information.  Presently the different groups, who admittedly are small in number, are pursuing research which is possibly overlapping in regards to computer technology. 

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