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  • #82637
    steve colborn

    Having watched the news last night, Bono confirmed what people on here, have been saying consistently, Bono is a self publisising egotist. At Davos, this guy who is reputed to be  worth 100's of millions, praised a pro Capitalist leader, Cameron and more insanely, praised Capitalism itself, for pulling people out of utter destitution and poverty. Thus showing a complete non comprehension of the world he lives in.

    Bullshit Bono and Bullshitting Bob Geldof, are clearly cut from the same cloth of stupidity!


    That's no way to speak of Sir Robert Geldof KBE.

    steve colborn

    ALB. did'nt know they had started to spell nob with a "K"!


    They are capitalists acting in there own economic interests. Workers should do the same.   


    Zambian writer Dambiso Moyo is particularly scathing about Bono. She objects to how celebrities such as Bono have "inadvertently or manipulatively become the spokespeople for the African continent" and noted in an interview with The New York Times that on the only occasion in which she met Bono, at a party to raise money for Africans, she was the only African there. 


    What do these people think causes poverty and starvation? There is only one cause and that is capitalism and these two defend it. 


    The world's 85 richest people have as much wealth as poorest 3.5 billion. Do these stooges defend the 85?  


    I guess Russel Brand is looking pretty good round about now. 

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I guess Russel Brand is looking pretty good round about now. 

    Ha ha , definately! Good to see you back. 


    Thanks Vin, good to be back.


    Geldof and Bono may be deluded to call for aid, but anti-aid free-marketeer Dambisa Moyo is educated enough that she should know better. According to Wikipedia Moyo

    [Dambiso] Moyo worked for the World Bank as a Consultant and at Goldman Sachs where she worked in the debt capital markets and as an economist in the global macroeconomics team. In 2013, Moyo was awarded the [Friedrich] Hayek Lifetime Achievement Award

    Even Bill Gates disagrees with Moyo

    In a 2013 interview Bill Gates was asked for his views on Dead Aid's illustration that aid "keeps the economy crippled….[with] the money not being used to make businesses sustainable in Africa". He claimed to have read the book and stated "books like that – they're promoting evil"

    I understand your point about aid…but foreign aid always has strings and if it takes a proponent of Laissez Faire economics to say it  and oppose it – so be it.  Pacific Island nations, many of which have been independent for 30-40 years get overseas development assistance (ODA) to the region amounts to 469 dollars per capita, compared to 64 dollars in Caribbean small states and 54 dollars in Sub-Saharan Africa. We see the result Nauru supporting Israel in any UN vote and volunteering to be a prison island for Australia's political asylum seekers (as has Papua New Gunea) . We also see the powers of judiciary on Nauru being removed in what can only be described as a coup without any condemnation from the West . According to the Vanuatu-based think-tank Pacific Institute of Public Policy the impact of corruption on aid and development in the Pacific Islands are “staggering"  In the Solomon Islands issues such as misuse of aid funds, donor-led projects unaligned to local priorities, and “boomerang aid” characterised by large numbers of highly paid expatriate advisors and corporate contractors.  Australia, the largest aid donor to the Pacific Islands, awarded aid contracts worth 58.3 million dollars, of which 47.8 million dollars went to Australian companies. As PIPP again says  “Pacific Islands living in debt often dance to the tune of those who provide much needed resources. Even when Pacific Islands are out of debt, they remain indebted in principle for the ‘generosity’ provided to them in the past.”   


    Some more dirt on Bono BoA Superbowl ad will declare that for 24 hours everyone can download a new song from U2, “Invisible”, for free. The bank will then donate $1 for every download to a global fund to fight Aids, organised in association with Red, the philanthropic group co-founded by Bono. “When we looked at BoA [Bank of America]and got to know [ BoA CEO,Moynihan], we saw that values were important to them and they were trying to compensate for the financial mess. But to be honest, even if they weren’t [decent] but were willing to give us $10m, I would still be sitting here…The band wouldn’t,” he added with a chuckle, as Moynihan laughed. “They are the ones who find some of the company I keep really excruciating. But I have long since given up on that kind of vanity – it’s about outcomes. Our audience want us to be effective, and you have to be prepared to make unusual allies.” =============== Bono is backing a videogame which promotes the invasion and destruction of Venezuela in order to check “a power hungry tyrant” who has “seized control of Venezuela and her oil supply.” Bono has failed to respond to concerns raised by the Venezuelan Solidarity Network about his funding of this project.  “Mercenaries 2: World in Flames,” created by Los Angeles based Pandemic/Bioware Studios, simulates a mercenary invasion of Venezuela in the year 2007. Pandemic is a subcontractor for the US Army and CIA funded Institute for Creative Technologies, which uses Hollywood techniques to mount war simulations in California’s high desert in order to conduct military training. “Mercenaries 2: World in Flames” simulates destruction in downtown Caracas, and promises to leave no part of Venezuela untouched.  Elevation Partners is an investment firm that Bono helped create in order to exploit marketing opportunities between U2 and its fans, including projects from Pandemic/Bioware Studios.

    Keymaster in crimeCameron, who is supporting the fresh development push. The pair is targeting everything from ways to stop the corruption that drains millions out of the developing world to strategies to cut maternal mortality. “We need Bono…to come up with a name and a campaign,” said Mr. Cameron.“We all understand that there is an avalanche of cynicism just by our being here,” Bono said. “The business community north of the equator has to be reformed…But capitalism can be a great force.”

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