Pathfinders: Please Don’t Feed the Drones

September 2024 Forums Comments Pathfinders: Please Don’t Feed the Drones

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  • #82630

    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Pathfinders: Please Don’t Feed the Drones.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!

    Keymaster Amazon is now going a stage further than just delivering faster with drones.  They now intend for you to buy before you even know you want to. Amazon patented the “anticipatory package shipping” process which is expected to expedite shipments through sending specific items to distribution centers near those customers who the company expects to buy them in the near future. The destination will be based on a number of “business variables”, including customer’s purchase history, wish lists, saved searches, and general search data. Firstly one or more items will be packed as a “package for eventual shipment to a delivery address”without specifying the delivery address but only the “destination geographical area.” And then while the package is in transit the system will specify the exact delivery address, when the customer purchases the item.  The patent also describes “speculatively shipping” scenarios for the delivery destinations as well as how to re-route parcels based on proximity of potential buyers, claiming that packages could remain in continuous transit on trucks until a customer decides to make a purchase. "Speculative shipping of packages may enable more sophisticated and timely management of inventory items, for example by allowing packages to begin flowing towards potential customers in advance of actual orders,” the patent says. If the behavior purchasing pattern fails, Amazon could deliver the package anyway to build customer loyalty as a gift to someone who might like it. 

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