What Socialists are up against!

October 2024 Forums General discussion What Socialists are up against!

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  • #82611
    steve colborn

    Just a snippet of workers ideas out there.


    cushybutterfield says…

    I see Johns at it again debasing, demeaning and distorting British History. FACT……….Winsto
    n Churchill was ***GREAT GREAT MAN. Funny that 107 representaives of Countries worldwide AND millions OF PEOPE FROM BRITAIN AND THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH were at Winstons Funeral and Winston himself even offered to fight in a front line trench with a rifle in his hand. (Can you see some of these politically correct lefties doing that today? they would be off in the opposite direction 'poste-haste' on the maxist provided Bikes). and yes the ROYALS are GREAT. Hence the MILLIONS of BRITISH SUPPORTERS lining British Streets OR MILES just a few years back. and YES AGAIN Britain had one of the GREATEST EMPIRES the world had ever seen built on British worldwide 'Trade and Graft and Exploration ' (No Free Benefit WORKSHY then),, with a few thousand 'supporting Slaves' and YES AGAIN, BRITAIN has a GREAT, GREAT COMMONWEALTH with a membership of 47, COUNTRIES,………*
    ** not bad Eh…GREAT..Britain as Churchill quoted, 'SOME CHICKEN, SOME NECK.' Even your so called socialist workers paradises of 'CHINA and RUSSIA' have and never will have anything our GREAT COUNTRY *** GREAT BRITAIN HAS……………..
    . It not surprising Great Britain is so great because nearly ***************** 'half the world' ARE clamming and desperately****** *****all WANT to live here*** in Great Britain, To all tap in of course and extract o**** Billions of British Taxpayers money from our wide 'Free range of Great British Benefits, Housing and NHS Systems' paid for by the poor bewildered 'Mug' Great British working Taxpayer

    Found at;



    Good argument forour policy of normally calling ourselves simply the Socialist Party rather than the Socialist Party of GREAT Britain

    steve colborn

    I think I would be inclined to agree Adam. Good job that the vast majority of workers are not as manic and ignorant as Cushy however!

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