Critisticuffs coming meetings

March 2025 Forums Events and announcements Critisticuffs coming meetings

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  • #82601

    A couple of these seem interesting:

    They seem to come to the same comclusions as us even if sometimes for different reasons. For instance, on the one on Taxes:

    The second – radical – standpoint demands that the state use its tax raising powers to alleviate poverty instead of escalating it. On this, we want to present and discuss how this critique instead of offering a way out of socially produced poverty, depends on it: taxing capitalist corporations presupposes their success.

    and the one on Austerity:

    We also want to show that explaining austerity as a merely ideological project by the Tories fails to realise that the subjection under the rule of capital is systematic and not a funny idea of some nasty people.
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