A war for Gas?

September 2024 Forums General discussion A war for Gas?

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    The US has flown two B-52 bombers over disputed islands in the East China Sea in defiance of new Chinese air defence rules, officials say.

      So, in defiance of an imaginary line drawn by the Chinese, the Americans have asserted the imaginary line drawn by the Japanese.  genius, and just look at what lies slap dab in the middle of the disputed area, uh-huh, gas fields.


    Ah, THAT'S what that's about. I wondered why the increase in activity NOW. Thanks. I like your name btw.

    admice wrote:
     I like your name btw.

    I don't think it's his real name.


    Reported by Reuters (July 17th):"The question is what will be Japan's response …" said Nakano*. "But escalation of tensions leading to a war? I don't think so. The Americans will be watching this situation with grave concern and may play a role of a mediator here." China, the world's top energy user, is on a fast track to boost the use of natural gas, with demand for gas forecast to grow more than four fold by 2030 from the 147 bcm last year.China is the world's fourth biggest gas consumer. *Koichi Nakano is associate professor of political science at Sophia University in Tokyo. He does not explain how one "mediates" using  B52s.

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