Ian Bone to stand for Parliament

September 2024 Forums General discussion Ian Bone to stand for Parliament

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    I wonder if he really will or whether this is just a passing stunt.

    Press report, in which one of our members features, on his failed attempt to speak at an Oxford College on

    The greatest contribution we could make to equality in this country would be to burn down Oxford University


    It wouldn't make much difference of course, but I don't suppose that's the point. Rather disturbing, though, that the police apparently have the power to effectively ban a meeting in this way.


    Should Ian Bone stand, should we endorse his candidancy?? Part of the reason for the detention and interrogation of Miranda, Greenwald's partner, given by the authorities, was that his political opinions and views were seen as grounds for suspicions and therefore covered by legislation


    I'm confused. You support this guy? Which was one of your members?


    "I'm confused. You support this guy? Which was one of your members?" No, he has never been a member but he being an anarcho-communist, some of his ideas over-lap with our own. And he has voiced sympathies for our party before. We have debated him which ws quite comradely and is available to watch on video http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/video/which-way-revolution I was simply playing Devils Advocate that i thought the little icon signified. No doubt if he does stand it will not go unmentioned in our journal and blogs. 


    Of course we wouldn't support him, especially as he's not even standing for anarcho-communism but on a simple "bash the rich" programme. Here's one of his posters:Having said that, he's still a sympathetic guy with a sense of humour. Other anarchists hate him for doing things like this. By participating in an election he has of course committed the worst crime in the anarchists' book.The Socialist Party member mentioned in the report is the person who expresses concern for free speech in view of the police tactic which could be used to prevent other meetings.


    His stunts are amusing and can serve to open up the narrow limits of mainstream political discussion. Serious committed political action will be more effective though.


    The capitalists will be shaking in their shoes! Wasn't it the great 'socialist' Lord Healey who claimed there would be 'howls of anguish'  from the capitalist class as their 'pips squeek'?    And more recently Allister Darling. They also had their eyebrows in common. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8411984.stm


    Thanks for the clarification. Whew. I caught the devils horns, but Adam wrote "in which one of our members features" which needed clarification.


    This affair is having a direct effect on us. We were due to speak at a meeting of the Balliol College Left Caucus on 5 December in the college, but the Dean has decreed that no non-students (except Party members by written invitation) can attend. He's afraid that if open to the public Ian Bone's "anarchists" might turn up and cause trouble. Unlikely, but the police seem to have really frightened the college authorities.This has created a problem for us because we make it a principle of all our meetings being open to everyone. It could be argued that this is not a meeting arranged by us, but we are reluctant to accept this fall-out from the police intimidation and an alternative venue has had to be found for the meeting to go ahead.


    I suggest that a strongly worded letter is sent to this dean, with copies also sent the press (Guardian and Independent the Times Mail and Telegraph education editors. Perhaps one of them may pick up the ball and run with it ) explaining the encroachment of "academic free speech" and, of course, our own through the intererence of police pressure.  (Also to be used as a basis of an article for the Socialist Standard.)As it cannot be approved by the next EC, i suggest it is written in the name of the media or campaigns committee or the Gen Sec. The silver lining is that it provides us with an opportunity to stir the shit a little at the price of a few e-mails. 


    Perhaps we can link our reply to this story on police spies on campus and explain our policy of no restrictions on an audience means that police would be welcome to attend and they have no reason for subterfuge to discover what is being said.http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/nov/14/police-cambridge-university-secret-footage

    ALB wrote:
    This has created a problem for us because we make it a principle of all our meetings being open to everyone. It could be argued that this is not a meeting arranged by us, but we are reluctant to accept this fall-out from the police intimidation and an alternative venue has had to be found for the meeting to go ahead.



    I think it better to leave it to the comrades on the ground, Alan. Denouncing the Dean could led to them being hauled up before the Proctor or even the Master and rusticated or whatever they do to recalcitrant students.Meanwhile Class War is preparing to register as a political party. That's them not getting an invite to next year's Anarchist Bookfair. Or is it?http://ianbone.wordpress.com/2013/11/08/class-war-general-election-campaign-update/


    "I think it better to leave it to the comrades on the ground, Alan. Denouncing the Dean could led to them being hauled up before the Proctor or even the Master and rusticated or whatever they do to recalcitrant students.' Surely that is a reason why it should be ourselves who complain.  If not directly to the dean, at least to the press as i also suggested. This is the slippery road to all manner of restrictions upon political freedoms…police already control when and where demonstrations can take place. They enforce summarily detention without arrest or trial – kennelling. They decide if picket lines are exceeding guidelines and have become "intimatory".  A protest in the name of the party is publicity. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Surely that is a reason why it should be ourselves who complain.  If not directly to the dean, at least to the press as i also suggested. This is the slippery road to all manner of restrictions upon political freedoms…police already control when and where demonstrations can take place. They enforce summarily detention without arrest or trial – kennelling. They decide if picket lines are exceeding guidelines and have become "intimatory".  A protest in the name of the party is publicity. 

    Precisely, and a functioning Media Committee would be making these complaints and protests as a matter of course.Thank goodness the comrades at Oxford did not accept the diktat of the police via the Dean to place restrictions on who can and cannot attend our meetings.  Anyone who can get to Oxford on December 5th will be made most welcome.http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/event/revolution-only-solution-tbc-oxford-700pm

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