Editorial: Capitalism and the two world wars

September 2024 Forums Comments Editorial: Capitalism and the two world wars

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    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Editorial: Capitalism and the two world wars.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!


    This Editorial is the subject of a new article in The Economist titled A war that finance didn't want


    Shame the article doesn't really have anything to do with the article they mention from the Standard..


    If the writer had based their article on the editorial in this month's Standard they would have seen that the position the Economist of the time took up is referred to

    Rather surprising is the position of another pro-ruling class historian, Niall Ferguson, who argues that Britain should have stayed out and let the Continental Powers fight it out amongst themselves. This was in fact the position taken up by some members of the Liberal government  at the time.

    Four members of the Liberal government actually resigned over the issue:http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pathways/firstworldwar/document_packs/p_diplomaticsituation.htmWe have always recognised that the capitalist class is not a monolithic bloc but that different sections have different interests, as in this case.John Burns, incidentally, a former member of the SDF, was the first "working man" to become a cabinet minister. At least on this issue he was right if for the wrong reason.

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