We have received the following invitation:
I've attached details of a conference happening on October 26th at the
Institute of Education, London.
I'm writing for a couple of reasons ...
We are giving bags to all attendees and we wondered if you would like to put
any information in them? If so, we would need 1000 copies sent to us.
Are you able to share information about this conference via your
networks/mailing lists/twitter etc? I've attached a brief overview with
links and our Twitter is #FIL2013
Your members may be particularly interested in the following workshop: Challenging Linked Systems of Power: Towards a Whole-istic Feminism This session aims to transcend rifts between radical, liberal, socialist and other 'kinds' of feminism. Women are oppressed by male dominance but capitalism, white supremacy and other power relations do just as much damage. We join the dots between these systems of domination – in workplaces, public services, at school, at home – and ask how a 'whole-istic' feminism can resist them. With Brigitte Lechner and Cynthia Cockburn. Take care. Lisa-Marie