Greasy Pole: All That Stuff – And Nonsense

July 2024 Forums Comments Greasy Pole: All That Stuff – And Nonsense

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  • #82313

    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Greasy Pole: All That Stuff – And Nonsense.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!


    "[domestic violence] is often in the confines of a home that the despair, the fear and the frustrations of an impoverished existence overrun all restraints"I'm not so sure this is "often" the case. Charles Saatchi's attack on Nigella Lawson might provide one recent high profile example to the contrary. I would like to see convincing evidence for this statement. It sounds like it could be inaccurate or lazy analysis. Describing speaking out about an average of 2 women killed a week as 'stuff' might be objectionable.

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