No Attack on Syria Demo

July 2024 Forums Events and announcements No Attack on Syria Demo

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     Assemble Saturday 31 August, 12 noon, Temple Place, London (nearest tube Temple)

    The national demonstration on Saturday will gather at Temple Place (near Temple tube) and march via Parliament and Downing Street, ending in central London for a political rally.


    this is tomorrow. Any London members care to report/leaflet?


    Seeing as parliament has already voted against this I wonder if it's still going ahead?


    Perhaps the US will go ahead with the attack.

    jondwhite wrote:
    this is tomorrow. Any London members care to report/leaflet?

    Two of us were there to observe what was happening. Could only have been a thousand or so there. Notably absent were the contingents usually provided by the Muslim Brotherhood's front in Britain. Presumably they want Syria to be bombed to help their side in the civil war. On the other hand, there were a handful of Western-dressed young women waving the Syrian flag and shouting "don't bomb Syria".All 57 varieties of Trotskyism and/or Maoism were present, in particular SWP, Counterfire and SPEW who have taken over the SWP's practice of handing out placards with their party's name at the top (unfortunately in their case lyingly saying "Socialist Party"). Gave out a few score of our Identity leaflets, chatted with our Green Party (some of them were there too) opponent in Merton & Wandsworth in last year's London Assembly elections and went home.


    Thanks for that, the TV news has shown footage of placards waved by Stop the War Coalition that read "Hands Off Syria". While the actions of the state military are not supportable, I can't help thinking this is too Little-Englander a slogan for world socialists to use.

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