Blast from the recent past

January 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Blast from the recent past

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  • #82157

    A comrade has sent me this:

    I wonder if I should challenge him to a return bout.

    ALB wrote:
    I wonder if I should challenge him to a return bout.

    Why not; there's nothing to lose.


    OK, I'll email him. At the time he was representing the "Karl Menger Society" named after the founder of the so-called Austrian School of Economics whose more well-known theorist was the ineffable Ludwig von Mises and his "economic calculation argument", but this doesn't seem to exist any more. Now he's some sort of Tory Party official.


    This account was a good read and sounded cordial, I can only hope all of our opponents are treated with such cordial hostility leaving a favourable impression of us even if they disagree. As for a return bout, Upton Sinclair once observed you can convince a man of anything, except that which his salary depends on it. The actual wording"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it"

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