I want to write for the Standard.

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement I want to write for the Standard.

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  • #82156

    How do I start?  It'd be a waste of talent if I didn't!


    Step 1. Write somethingStep 2. Send it to the Standard


    Also:19.  Responses to articles in the letters column do appear under the name of the Socialist Standard Editorial Committee. However, in practice what occurs is the committee request the writer of the article to reply.  Not all responses to articles are published in the Socialist Standard, especially if it's thought it's going to result in protracted correspondence.  Nevertheless, the editorial committee reply to all responses.20. Corrections are approved by the editorial committee once the necessary research is completed.


    Apart from the facetious reply above, I would offer the following advice with the disclaimer that I am not on the Editorial committee;1. The Editorial Committee are responsible for production of the content of the Socialist Standard.2. The Editorial Committee consists of three party members appointed by the EC annually.3. The Editorial Commitee can be written to at the postal address of head office at 52 Clapham High Street, London, SW4 7UN or preferably e-mailed on spgb.sspc.ed@worldsocialism.org4. Socialist Standard comes out monthly on the 1st of every month.5. Before you start an article, you may ask the Editorial Committee (ask well in advance of the submission deadline) if it would be suitable for the Standard. Usually a title will suffice to tell if it is suitable. An approval at this stage still doesn't guarantee it is will be published in the Standard.6. The deadline for submissions for an issue is about the 15th of the previous month. It takes time to have it printed and distributed to subscribers.7. The Editorial Committee can accept your contribution, edit it (the purpose of editors is to edit) or reject it. You may be consulted and asked to agree to edits specified to you. You can suggest a title.8. Except for the letters page, all content is written by party members.9. If your contribution is rejected, then the blog committee may be more open to publishing it (spgb.blog@worldsocialism.org) for technical reasons of space.10. If your contribution is accepted for publication in the Standard, it may be worth specifying if you want your contribution attributed with your full name, initial, both initials, unattributed etc. Your article will appear on the website and in the PDF.11. In general contributions should be of contemporary relevance, as the Standard ought to be of contemporary relevance to be of general interest.12. A degree of greater flexibility on contemporanity may be acceptable for reviews of books, films of the last couple of years etc.13. A quick search of the website will tell you if a subject has had an article been written about it before. This doesn't mean it can't be written about again, but think about what new you can say about it.14. The written content of the Socialist Standard is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/uk/). If your work is published then this will be the license under which it is published.15. The current Editorial Committee seems to prefer receiving submissions as RTF. Microsoft Word Documents (.doc) are still the most common document format used in the world.And a few obvious ones.16. Any contributions ought to be factually accurate. Don't rely on the Editorial Committee alone to check for you.17. Any contributions ought not to run contrary to established party case.18. The Socialist Standard, World Socialist Review (WSPUS), Imagine (Socialist Party of Canada) and any party publications, are not the only publications party members can write for. Party members do not need the permission of the Socialist Standard Editorial Committee to write for other publications. Personally I also encourage writers who are party members to get a feel for other publications too as I feel this can only result in more experience and better writing.


    Under 19, do you mean, 'Responses to responses to articles in the letters page appear under the name of the Editorial Committee'?


    We also publish some of the letters we receive on the Comments section here (or rather that's where they end up if you make a comment on an article that appears in online version of the Socialist Standard). Makes for a quicker turnaround than waiting for the next month's issue.


    AlsoPublications prefer to publish fresh content which is exclusive at least at the time of publication. If you submit something that has been published elsewhere (or will be before the next issue of the Socialist Standard), please state this.

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