Atheist, socialists rejoice!

July 2024 Forums General discussion Atheist, socialists rejoice!

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  • #82125

    Good news for all atheist, socialists. There is a place in heaven for us after all. I suspected as much all along, lol.

    I found this from last week.

    "Pope Francis rocked some religious and atheist minds today when he declared that everyone was redeemed through Jesus, including atheists.

    During his homily at Wednesday Mass in Rome, Francis emphasized the importance of "doing good" as a principle that unites all humanity, and a "culture of encounter" to support peace.

    Using scripture from the Gospel of Mark, Francis explained how upset Jesus' disciples were that someone outside their group was doing good, according to a report from Vatican Radio."


    Ooops! Seems like he got it wrong, and us atheist, socialists are still going to hell. Oh well, it was good while it lasted, I think.

    After international media attention, the Vatican attempted clarify how exactly one gets in to heaven, with Rev. Thomas Rosica, a Vatican spokesman, saying that people who know about the Catholic church “cannot be saved” if they “refuse to enter her or remain in her.”That is, atheists are still going to hell.

    Yes, but this would mean not just atheists but also members of other christian sects too since they too will know about the Roman Catholic church and have refused to enter her.I was a funeral yesterday conducted by a Methodist minister who assured those present that the deceased had been saved by Jesus (christianity of course is the one saviour religion from Ancient Roman and Greek times that has survived). Apparently he was a fraud and a liar since the only people that go to heaven are Roman Catholics and a few people who do good without ever having heard of the Vatican (Plato may have been transferred there after limbo was abolished).I'm not sure that I fancy heaven anyway, spending the rest of eternity worshipping and bowing down before some dubious philosophical concept. I do agree, though, that hell sounds worse. Limbo sounded alright.The good news is that not only is there no limbo but there's no heaven or hell either.


    Found this interesting and humorous blog. Judging by this stuff, we do not want to get on the wrong side of the all powerful creator dude. Not sure about anyone else but the wine and wafer is starting to look pretty damn tempting, lol.

    J Surman

    I don't know about anyone else but I'm getting bored to death by God so they'll soon be able to add one more to the total.

    J Surman wrote:
    I don't know about anyone else but I'm getting bored to death by God so they'll soon be able to add one more to the total.

    I get where you're coming from JS, but the religious zealots are far from bored with the likes of us.

    J Surman
    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I get where you're coming from JS, but the religious zealots are far from bored with the likes of us.

    Just trying to inject a little humour into a seriously taxing matter!


    No probs JS, I got the humour (hope mine was not missed). But you are right, it is a seriously taxing issue, one that is always a potential threat to life and limb, as we see all to often.A couple of weeks ago I got a Sunday visit from two Jehovah Witnesses. I was polite and courteous, we had a discussion about a few issues and exchanged literature. I gave them a copy of the Thatcher Standard and they gave an Awake and Watchtower. On reading some of the stuff in their publications I was nearly floored by the child like expression of views they contained. I have read some of their stuff in the past, but the simplemindedness never fails to throw me, even scare me. How can you argue with the blind acceptance of "biblical truth"?

    steve colborn

    Genuflection, on bended knee, "to our" : ; 'holy better, has never been in my "nature". As I do not grovel to a 'spirit', I do not do the same to my, "class master".I could not imagine a worse outcome for myself, than to prostate myself to a spiritual "better" for eternity. I could consider an eternity of putting the egalitarian and democratic argument to the same. However, I cannot see this turn of events unfolding.  Not the least, because I do not believe in the "divine", in whichever guise the "righteous" care to cast it.. Steve.PS see you all in hell, we'll have aparty, LOL.


    this thread reminds me of the Harry Pollitt song


    For me this thread is, in essence about the belief that many religious people hold, that morality does not exist without a belief in a creator. The popes slip up, publicly exposed the uncomfortable fact for biblical believers, that there are plenty of good people past and present who do not believe in a biblical creator.   


    Found this further gem of Catholic wisdom from a Father Gabriele Amorth.

    But in an interview with The Sunday Times, Amorth remains adamant an exorcism was carried out and appears to suggest the ritual will help balance the growth of atheism.He said: “The Pope’s exorcism is a splendid sign because one of the main causes of today’s atheism is that people don’t believe in the Devil any more. But Jesus said: ‘Who is not with me is with Satan.’ If you don’t believe in Satan, Satan has got you in his pocket.

    Sounds like he is suggesting atheism is the work of the horned red dude, with goats legs, a tail and barbecue fork.And to think I thought my atheist view came about because I see no sound reason to believe in supernatural entities. Can't argue with the logic of an exorcist. Looks like I'm gonna have to re-evaluate my reasoning on the subject, lol.Maybe Charles Baudelaire was onto something.

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