Reports from urban75 suggest proletarian democracy are either calling for a vote for ukip without illusions or entering ukip to push it to the left. Also this
The intersectional working committees of Proletarian Democracy are constantly striving to identify new and exciting forms of oppression which can be applied to a proletarian milieu hungry to assault new privilege.Sometimes candidate comrades are too imbued with residual privilege to recognise the depth of oppressions afflicting them; so this is where the highly trained councillors of our brand new Privilege Quotient hotline are essential!Marxplaining:- the ability to explain any and all issues through the random application of unconnected quotes from the works of Marx and Engels, has been crudely applied by soi disant anti-party elements for decades, but now under the guidance of our Eternal Dear Leader Barry Mainwaring, the development of the ‘Double Diamond’ of Marxism-Posadism: Dialectical Dianetics has opened up an new world of oppression and new vistas for liberation!Under the close supervision of their designated councillor, each candidate completes our detailed questionnaire. Then through a bafflingly advanced mathematical process, a Privilege Quotient fraction is derived, uniquely tailored to the comrade.