Dangerous Ideas for Dangerous Times, Counterfire, Central London, 31 May – 1 June 2013

July 2024 Forums Events and announcements Dangerous Ideas for Dangerous Times, Counterfire, Central London, 31 May – 1 June 2013

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    Dangerous Ideas for Dangerous Times, Counterfire, Central London, 31 May – 1 June 2013


    Participants include: David Harvey, Tariq Ali, Lindsey German, Tony Benn, Nina Power, Owen Jones, Jeremy Corbyn, Laurie Penny, Seumas Milne, Clare Solomon, Paul Le Blanc, John Rees, Vicki Baars, James Meadway, Rafeef Ziada, Richard Gott, Sanum Ghafoor, Chris Nineham, Kate Hudson, Danielle Obono, Neil Faulkner and many more discuss capitalism, war and the prospects for the left…


    Provisional timetable announced herehttp://dangerousideas.org.uk/index.php/timetable

    Provisional timetable – more information to follow. Keep checking back to see when and where the many more pop-up performances, campaigns, workshops and exhibitions will be.Friday, May 31, 201314:30-15:45 Why Marx was right Terry Eagleton The bloody history of the British Empire Richard Gott, Paul Gilroy Left-Wing Comedy: an Infantile Disorder Steve Parry and friends16:15-17:30 How to tackle the scroungers Owen Jones Leninism 2.0 Paul Leblanc, Clare Solomon Prison writings The testimony of Talha Ahsan, Shaker Aamer and Bradley Manning18:30-20:00 Against Capitalism and War Tariq Ali, Lindsey German, Tony Benn, Danielle Obono, David Harvey21:00-23:00Venue Lumen ChurchFestival Party Grace’s Aces, David Rovic, Rafeef Ziadeh and more…Saturday, June 1, 201310:00-11:15 What’s the point of the Left? Laurie Penny, China Mieville, Chris Nineham After Chavez: the future of Latin America Jeremy Corbyn, Matt Wilgress and others The State,racism and the Right Sanum Ghafoor, Unjum Mirza, Alex Snowdon A short history of Britain since 1945 (without the boring bits) Neil Faulkner Scotland and the breakup of Britain Kat Boyd and Jonathan Shafi The Levellers: Britain’s first revolutionary party John Rees A plastic interrogation: Could you live without plastic? Dr Kat Austen11:45-13:00 Rebel Cities: From the right to the city to the urban revolution David Harvey What class are you really in? Wealth and work in austerity Britain Elly Badcock, Andrew Murray Neil Davidson debates Permanent Revolution Neil Davidson, Dominic Alexander The politics of sport Mark Perryman, Vicki Baars What do Marxists say about Feminism? Kate Connelly Workshop Raast band Film: Five Broken Cameras * Session ends at 13:4514:00-15:15 Is American power on the decline? Tariq Ali Strategy and tactics: How the left should organise to change the world John Rees Fighting Gove from playpen to PhD: imagining a better education system John Westmoreland, Henry Parkyn Smith, Alex Kenny, Faduma Hassan Fascism: from Hitler & Mussolini to Golden Dawn Chris Bambery Film: Sisters in law Director Kim Longinotto in conversation with Jane Shallice * Session ends at 16:00 Signs of revolt: creative resistance to a commodified world Noel Douglas Long live Southbank: campaign to save the skate park With skate & graffiti performances15:45-17:00 The Revenge of History Seumas Milne in conversation with Nina Power Can the left take power in Greece? Stathis Kouvelakis, Elli Siapkidou The drugs don’t work: why can’t our rulers kick the austerity habit? James Meadway, David Graeber Out of control? The media, democracy and the state Jolyon Rubinstein (Organised by the NUJ) The new scramble for Africa Maie El Hag, Danielle Obono, Dan Poulton Corporate irresponsibility: sweatshops and workers rights Jubilee Debt Campaign & War on Want18:00-19:30 Fighting sexism: why it’s kicking off everywhere Ellie Mae O’Hagan, Lindsey German, Feyzi Ismail Culture-shock! Artist as activist Peter Kennard, Cat Picton Phillipps, Season Butler The crisis of the British regime: democracy, protest & the unions Sam Fairbairn, Adrian Cousins, Pilgrim Tucker, Kevin Courtney Palestine and the Arab Uprisings Rafeef Ziadah, Fran Legg Saffron Kitchen: tales from a Persian Kitchen Yasmin Khan Apocalypse Soon: can we stop global warming? Elaine Graham Leigh

    As they mention there'll be stalls in and around the King's Cross area, how is our request for a stall going? It's only in a fortnight's time.


    As I understand two requests by e-mail have been made for a stall or some engagement and not received a reply last time I checked.


    What’s the point of the left?China Mieville, Chris Nineham and Laurie PennySaturday, June 1, 10:00-11:15Many thought the economic crisis would result in automatic growth of the left. But much of the left looks left behind. How has the crisis exposed its weaknesses? And how can they be overcome? China Mieville, Chris Nineham and Laurie Penny debate.


    LeBlanc's speech herehttp://links.org.au/node/3375


    I see he reveals that he was once a hard-line Trotskyist (member of the US SWP, not to be confused with the UK one).Anyone know whether or not the whole event was a flop?

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