PCS action April 2013

July 2024 Forums General discussion PCS action April 2013

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  • #81990


    PCS is currently running a series of strikes over pensions, pay and conditions of service. This has led to one day of action (albeit by less than half its' members) and on Friday a half-day strike which to say the least, has been fraught with problems is an understatement.

    In fact the half-day strike was trumpeted as a "weekend of action" by the PCS, except it turned into a wee bit of a farce thanks to poor planning by the Serwotka/Socialist Party [of England and Wales] leadership.


    The current strike has fallen flat on its face and the people to blame are the PCS leaders. That's Mark Serwotka, Socialist Party [of England and Wales] "fixer" John McInally and the "comrades of the far-left. Well done. Yet at the same time these people keep prattling on about the need for "co-ordinated strike action (a general strike to you & me).
    If they can't get it together in the one union they control how on earth do they expect anyone to believe they can organise a "general strike"? 
    The far-left were ill-advised to launch this dispute in the first place, but they couldn't be told. Now they have made a complete mess of it. 
    This is what happens when the Socialist Party [of England and Wales] and the Socialist Workers Party insist on putting their interests before that of the members.
    PCS needs to be be returned to what it was intended to be. A Trade Union. Pure & "simple"!
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