Break-in at No.52

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Break-in at No.52

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    Head Office was broken into last night and the offices ransacked.  It is too early to ascertain at this stage what, if anything, has been taken or the extent of any damage to the premises apart from the breakage of a rear window, presumably the point of entry.

    Offers of assistance (if needed) should be made by phone to 0207 6223811


    What is the latest information. How bad is the  'ransacked' ?


    From the Head Office Organiser"This is an update on the situation at Head Office. It is only the back office on the second floor that has been ransacked. The new treasurer cabinet that we recently purchased has been been broken into and appears unusable. It appears that only cash has been stolen. Nothing appears to be stolen from the other rooms, including the library and the archives room. The intruder got in through breaking the window in the toilet on the second floor. Cde John Helps has boarded this up as an interim measure until we have replacement windows put in. We will need to look at making this window more secure, perhaps by having bars put in front of the window area. The Police have been called, and the police forensics have been in and checked the place. They say that the burglar wore gloves and it would be hard to trace him/her. The Police will be coming to HO on Wednesday to take a statement."


    No disputes committee thankfully.

    jondwhite wrote:
    No disputes committee thankfully.

    Sorry I'm being a bit slow today. What has this to do with a disputes committee?


    The following letter was printed in the Morning StarFreedom Press anarchist bookshop in East London was firebombed on 1 February 2013. On 17 March, the Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB) in South West London was broken into and ransacked. Last weekend I was dismayed to read (Morning Star, Sat 14 – Sun 15 December) of the raid of the North London home of Sam Fairbairn the national secretary for the People's Assembly. Needless to say, in all of the above cases, police investigations have ceased and no culprits identified or apprehended.Jon D. WhiteSPGB


    Does this commonly happen to political organizations there?

    admice wrote:
    Does this commonly happen to political organizations there?

    Not that commonly and there's no evidence that the break-in at No.52 was politically motivated.


    Was it targeted?

    jondwhite wrote:
    Was it targeted?

    As the perpetrator wasn't apprehended I guess we'll never know…


    We should caution against being paranoid…otherwise how long will it be before we begin to think it was an inside job…

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