Curious Austrians

September 2024 Forums General discussion Curious Austrians

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  • #81694

    Austrians have voted overwhelmingly in favour of retaining compulsory military service.

    With all votes in the referendum counted, except postal ballots, 59.8% voted to keep the draft with 40.2% against, the interior ministry said.

    The apparent reasons are curious.  Fox provides the following:

    But debates leading up to the plebiscite have focused less on the army as a fighting force and more on topics as diverse as how keeping or changing the present system will affect community service, emergency relief or social responsibility.

    Much of Austria's social sector has come to depend on conscientious objectors. They serve for nine months as ambulance drivers, attendants at senior citizens' homes and in other community jobs that are hard to fill because of poor pay.

    I believe Germany suffered likewise when it lost its conscientious objectors.


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