WSPNZ EC Minutes August 2012

January 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement WSPNZ EC Minutes August 2012

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    WORLD SOCIALIST PARTY (NEW ZEALAND) – Executive Committee Meeting

    Held via telephone at 51 Weymouth Road, Manurewa and 15 Tanera Crescent, Wellington



    DATE:                          Sunday 5th August 2012.


    CHAIRPERSON:            C Malins.  Moved M Gribble, 2nd C Matene.


    OPEN:                          1:50pm.


    PRESENT:                     (Committee)   A Coombs, M Grayson, M Gribble, T Lovatt, C Matene.

                                        (Members)      V Lovatt, C Robertson, J Ryder.

                                        (Supporters)    C Malins.


    APOLOGIES:                None.


    PREVIOUS MINUTES/ERRORS & OMISSIONS:                       


    1.         Correction to apologies.  It is not necessary to record apologies from non-members of the EC.

    2.         Correction to general business item 2.  M Grayson moved the WSPNZ EC entrust the Auckland Branch to discuss and report back to the EC, 2nd M Gribble.

    3.         Query to the new notice of motion whether or not a referendum needed to be circulated.

    4.         C Matene moved the previous minutes be accepted after corrections have been made, 2nd M Grayson, all in favour.




    1.         M Gribble views that changing the name of Executive Committee to General Administrative Committee does not convey any change of status in the World Socialist Movement.  General Administrative Committee administrates affairs of the Party in the interest of the Party.


    2.         M Grayson disagrees, and would like the opportunity to respond in writing so others can read the views before voting.  Consider consulting overseas branches, how do they deal with name changes?  M Grayson and M Gribble to put views for and against the notice of motion given previously, in writing.  EC is very descriptive of what we do.  Execute wishes or commands of membership.  EC is democratic and descriptive.


    3.         Discussion on whether or not a referendum needs to take place if a majority of members have already agreed on an outcome, or if this outcome can be decided upon by the Executive Committee alone.  Notice of motion was given at previous (July) meeting, so was agreed to vote upon the matter.





    M Gribble moves that the WSPNZ change the title of Executive Committee to General Administrative Committee, 2nd A Coombs. 




    1.         Socialist Party of Canada – Newsletter received via email.

    2.         A letter was received through the post office box, but was not relevant to Socialism.


                C Matene moved the correspondence be accepted, M Gribble 2nd.




    1.         Socialist Standards for last month have been sent to subscribers.  Socialist Standards for this month have not arrived yet, and will be posted as soon as possible.




    M Gribble presented the treasurer’s report.  Query regarding plumber, advised to install new shower rose in bathroom, and two new taps in kitchen.  Water leak problems solved.  M Gribble moved the treasurer’s report be accepted, T Lovatt 2nd.




    Membership application of Chris Malins read out to membership.  A Coombs moved to accept Chris as a member of the WSPNZ, T Lovatt 2nd.  All members present unanimously in favour.  New WSPNZ membership of Chris Malins accepted and welcomed with spontaneous applause.




    1.         After discussion on the operating cost of the Party, C Matene moved a motion to raise the weekly donation from $80 to $100, M Gribble 2nd.  Consider a separate fund in the account for donations.  Three votes in favour of motion, two votes against, motion accepted.  A Coombs suggested raising the donation to only $90.

    2.         A key for the garage has been given to new member C Malins.  Bring spare keys to next meeting.

    3.         Radio – Technician has been found for the radio transmitter, work almost completed, transistor replaced, approximately $350 to fix unknown cause.


    NEXT MEETING:          Sunday 2nd September 2012, starting at 1:30pm.



    CLOSED:                      3:08pm.

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