recording meetings

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement recording meetings

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  • #81533
    Mike Foster

    I’ve been chatting with someone from a different organisation about recording talks. He was wondering if any problems have arisen with people not wanting to be on camera, or if knowing a talk is being filmed has ever made people feel uneasy about expressing a point on camera? I’ve never experienced any issues like this, but has this ever been a problem at any talks we’ve recorded? 


    Yes, occasionally this happens.  You may recall that someone who attended Summer School a few years back didn’t want to appear on camera as he claimed he was an illegal immigrant.  Then there was the girl friend of a member (also at Summer School) who didn’t wish to be filmed as she had some job in the police force !


    For this reason I think we should follow the style of other groups and keep the camera on the speaker rather than videoing audience-members making contributions.

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