Rubbish Bin

December 2024 Forums Website / Technical Rubbish Bin

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  • #81380

    Just in case anyone wonders where the thread “Getting the message to the workers…” has gone it has been consigned to the rubbish bin and is awaiting deletion.

    ‘Vegan’ is someone who has been posting this stuff ad nauseam for several years on the WSM forum.  He has been responded to time and time and time again.  But the record never changes – ever.  He just keeps coming out with the same old stuff.  He has driven many people with more interesting, important or topical views off the other forum with his obsessive posting. And watch out – he is skillful at hooking people back into pointlessly circular conversations.

    In my view it might have been better to have given prior notification/warning before moving the thread; many other users/visitors to this forum may have been baffled about its disappearance.  However, explanation has now been given, albeit retropectively.


    Get ready for the so-called anarcho-capitalists and free marketeer trollers which will try to join this forum also. I am glad that the party is taking the proper measures to eliminate this type of message. We do not have enough fingers and toes to count the occasions that we have explained the same issue to Bob. The party should have done the same thing at the WSM forum.

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