Weekend Workshop in Lancaster (members only)

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Weekend Workshop in Lancaster (members only)

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  • #81288

    Announcement of weekend workshop in Lancaster

    Lancaster Branch wish to announce a September weekend residential workshop, FOR MEMBERS ONLY,  to explore ways of using video to advance the socialist case. The venue is a 17th century Quaker hostel in the rural hamlet of Yealand Conyers, near Carnforth – see photo above

    Food will be self-catering, and mattresses and some beds are provided in shared rooms, but members will need to bring a sleeping bag, and pillow if they want one. The hostel is centrally heated and there is a large canteen kitchen and a meetings room.

    The residential will take place from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, 7 – 9 September, and will include workshops on scripting, camera use and post-production as well as practical filming exercises, with a view to producing a short socialist video for YouTube.

    There will also be free time for going on the many country walks in the area, and there is a local pub 100 yards along the road.

    Transport to Lancaster by train is easy and there are connections to Carnforth, where a bus service can drop you right outside the hostel. Alternatively we can pick people up by arrangement. For anyone coming by car please advise and we can give you detailed directions. There is a small car park next to the hostel.

    The cost per person is £45 including all food, but bring your own beer money. For practical reasons we are limiting places to around 15. We will take bookings on a first come, first served basis. Bookings will be accepted from May 15 onwards in order to be sure that all members have had a chance to hear about it, so please don’t try to book before that date.

    I will post a booking reminder on Spintcom nearer the time. Payment may be made up until July 15, after which any places not taken up may be reallocated.

    You will need:

    · Decent walking boots and outdoor wear

    · Sleeping bag and pillow

    · To notify us of any dietary requirements

    · £45

    · A sense of adventure

    Booking requests, from May 15, may be emailed to me or posted to my address (see Standard). Cheques should also be sent to this address.

    Paddy Shannon


    Dear Comrades Here’s an outline schedule for the Yealand weekend, 7 – 9 Sept. There are still a number of places available on this weekend so do get in touch – cost is just £45 for all accommodation and food, which is not bad for a whole weekend. We plan 6 flexible sessions overall, starting Friday evening and ending Sunday around 4pm, interspersed with trivia such as meals, pub etc. The general idea is that we get there, kick around concepts for a while, try to apply them to socialist arguments and how to do them, then devise themes for short shoots and go out and do them, the result either being ‘in the can’ by Sunday or at least in post-production with a view to later completion at home. We will be providing some expert assistance for all this. Fri eve session: Group discussion on what makes a good video. Some examples of good and bad. Choosing a theme. Finding the right approach. Using what you’ve got. Sat am: Camera work, angles, lighting. Practice shoots. Sat pm: Post-production, editing, dubbing Sat eve: Group work on scripting for short location filming Sun am: Location filming Sun pm: Editing as work in progress Cheques to Lancaster Branch SPGB please. Can those who’ve booked let us know how they’re getting here so we know what directions to give? Any questions, feel free to get in touch. Paddy Shannon<paddyjoeshannon@yahoo.co.uk>,

    Mike Foster

    Sounds like an interesting agenda! I’m not sure yet if I’ll drive or get the train, but I’ll have a think and let you know, Paddy.


    Anyone ever encountered these guys?http://visionon.tv/training

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