
October 2024 Forums General discussion BlackRock

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  • #254293

    Came across this on Quora. Interesting…

    “This is Larry Fink.

    He’s a guy most people have never heard of, and that’s entirely on purpose. While he may not be super well-known, he’s the CEO & Founder of what may be a company that quite literally owns the world: BlackRock.

    BlackRock is a lot more powerful than people know. They control and own:

    Most US Banks (such as Bank of America and Chase Bank).
    Major oil companies (like Exxon and Chevron).
    All of the major pharmaceutical companies in the world (such as Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson).
    Most of the mainstream media (such as CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC).
    The supervision of nearly 10% of all stocks traded worldwide.
    They quite literally hold a slice of every pie in the world. In fact, they have a whopping $10 trillion in assets — nearly half America’s total GDP.

    BlackRock is so influential that the US and Chinese Governments even relied on the company to escape recessions.

    Being the Founder & CEO of such a mega-conglomerate, Fink is now quite powerful as well. He currently sits on both the Council on Foreign Relations and the World Economic Forum.

    In the words of Henry Kissinger, “Whoever controls the money controls the world”. No other company in history has had as much influence as BlackRock.

    The fact that BlackRock is a major shareholder in dozens of major companies (Twitter, Amazon, Google, and Facebook, just to name a few) is very important because it means that for any of these companies to decide on company policy, they must now also consult with BlackRock before doing so.

    BlackRock’s influence over 90% of the mainstream media might also be why you’ve probably never heard of them (and why most people haven’t).

    Controlling media is a very important step in BlackRock continuing to extend its control over the world, because if everyone knew the consequences of them holding nearly $10 trillion in assets, questions would start to be raised.

    Such an unchecked amount of power (especially under the wing of Fink being the sole company owner) means that the guy has unparalleled amounts of power over the world that we may yet to truly understand.”

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