INCEL culture and the Far Right

July 2024 Forums General discussion INCEL culture and the Far Right

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    Interesting if disturbing article on Incel culture and its links to the Far Right

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by robbo203.

    Sociological course.


    One thing this shows the negative human effects of the profit driven social-media algorithms. It would be quite easy for isolated and frustrated individuals to get drawn into a feedback loop, where everything they see is a self-reinforcing echo-chamber of misogynistic and destructive viewpoints.

    Could such a thing as easily manifested in the pre-internet days?


    I think involuntary celibates before the internet were mostly silent, excepting writers of novels, poetry and short stories, and artists. The unread and the non-artistic would keep it to themselves out of macho shame.

    The internet has given voice to the sex-obsessed, which includes the lonely and the frustrated, who are not well lettered, and whose frustrations are expressed often in a violent and futile manner, and who also blame women instead of a system (capitalism) which alienates us from each other and produces a life full of hatred, loneliness and squalor.


    What is Capitalism other than a reflection of us? It grew out of us. It is us.


    For most of human existence it wasn’t. It is us in response to conditions most of us do not understand: conditions humans have created, to be sure, but without consciousness. We are the products of a social evolution preceding our births, as well as contemporary with us, and of a multitude of reactions to it, operating within us and mostly blind and confused.

    Bijou Drains

    To be fair, the incel’s inability to get laid might have more to be with their deeply unpleasant personalities and misogynist views rather than the women that they blame.

    Perhaps cutting back the amount of Lynx Africa they spray on themselves, learning to develop appropriate social skills and putting down the playstation console, might assist them in these areas.

    On a slightly more serious note, the development of the internet as the primary source of relationship building may have some impact on this. Back in the day the main way of developing relationships was either meeting someone at work/school/college/university, (all of which have a greater element of online rather than face to face interaction) or going to the boozer/night club.

    For those who weren’t naturally gifted in the looks and charm stakes, there were always people around who had those characteristics who you could model. One of the key means of learning for human beings is modelling other behaviours and actions (Bandura, Rotter, et al). Put all of that heady mix the presence of alcohol and the chances of reproductive behaviour increase significantly.

    Perhaps there should be a programme for incels to be taken for a Friday in night in the Bigg Market, if you can’t get laid there, then you do really have a problem.


    Because environment and culture determine the nature of libido, we see many women attracted to the very sort of men who will abuse them.
    Popular media promotes the tough guy and this influences female and male libido. Ruthless careerism is valued as “success” and military life lauded as heroic.

    Similarly, the haughty and indifferent, aloof, look is promoted for women by the fashion and “beauty” industry.

    Culturally too, competitive sport is the most valued and admired of pastimes.


    Secret to being a happy couple.

    Bijou Drains

    “we see many women attracted to the very sort of men who will abuse them.”

    What a load of bollocks, this is the kind of victim blaming that domestic abusers state to justify their behaviour.

    Domestic abusers come in all shapes and sizes and from all sections of society, male and female. It’s not just the macho men, it’s just as often the nerdy “intellectuals” who abuse their partners.


    As a victim of bullying, i do not blame myself at all, and yet i believe bullies are drawn to me. I’ve even experienced bully jealousy, whereby “my” bully would jealously come to my defence against another bully attempting to victimize me. In other words, wanting “exclusive rights” on me.

    A woman came to work every day with swollen eyes and bruises, admitting her boyfriend beat her, but said she loved him and would never leave him.


    And i thought your whole point was that the “nerds” are the incels?

    One doesn’t hear of the athletic being incels.

    Bijou Drains

    Sir Tom “And i thought your whole point was that the “nerds” are the incels?”

    Even if I did say that, which I didn’t:

    All incels are nerds, doesn’t mean all nerds are incels (Basic logic 101)

    Meeting a woman who loves her abuser is not unusual, however that does not mean that she is somehow attracted to “macho men” whatever that actually means.

    The most common causative factor in people (male and female) being a victim of domestic abuse is that they witnessed domestic abuse as a child.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Bijou Drains.

    What is a nerd, in fact?


    A counsellor on the NHS told me that if i ever hoped for a girlfriend, i should start watching football and drinking beer.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Thomas_More.
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