Don’t Look Up

September 2024 Forums General discussion Don’t Look Up

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  • #225882

    Just to say that the movie’s theme of an impending global disaster due to a comet collision is one that our late comrade Pieter Lawrence wrote about in his book, The Last Conflict. To minimise the destruction, worldwide cooperation takes place and the economic laws of capitalism are disregarded.

    Something to link to in social media


    To minimise the destruction, worldwide cooperation takes place and the economic laws of capitalism are disregarded.

    Sounds like the opposite plot to the one in the film.

    There’s an interesting review of it here.


    I’ve had the occasion to think, during the ‘rona crisis, how it proved that book wrong, they would really rather rule in hell than live in heaven. In some ways, it’s been quite shocking to see.


    Alan —

    Do you not recall that Final Conflict was uploaded to libcom by jondwhite a good many years ago and a pdf of it can be freely downloaded there?

    (A bit more practical than linking to a free preview of it on Amazon, no?)


    Review here in this month’s Socialist Standard up online today.

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