Commander Dicks angry?

September 2024 Forums General discussion Commander Dicks angry?

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  • #220077

    PC Wayne Couzens pleaded guilt to the charge of the murder of Sarah Edwards.
    No surprise. Pc Wayne Couzens had a history of “exposing himself” as long ago as 2015.
    Capitalism and private property
    (the need for Courts, police and jailers) has without doubt had its day.


    Just seen this:Wayne Couzens sentencing live Sarah Everards killer in Court for her kidnap , rape and murder.

    Couzens nickname in the Police force was “the rapist” by officers who worked with him!

    To add, a number of people want her gone…..seems she has another 2 years as Head of the Met. Because many believe a lot of the failings of the Met have been on her watch/2nd in command!
    Levi Bellfield – serial killer
    The Steven Lawrence Case…
    And numerous other serious high profile cases of Police failings, leading to a scores of victims!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by james19.

    She was also the police officer who authorised the shooting of an innocent Brazilian at Stockwell tube station in 2005 just because he looked a bit like an Arab. Another police murder but she got off and was later appointed head of the Met.


    ALB OMG 🥲 It gets worse
    So Distressing
    Seem Wayne Couzens colleagues supported him?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by james19.
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