Think on these things

Henry Longhurst concludes an article on Douglas Bader (the legless airman) in the Sunday Express (August i7th, 1941), with the following paragraph: —

“I never thought the Germans would get him. I was so convinced that he was destined to be head of Fighter Command in the next war! Maybe he still is (Italics ours.)

The last paragraph in the editorial column of the Evening Standard (August 19th, 1941) commences as follows :—

“Soviet Russia must never go down. All our own prospects are governed by her endurance.”

On August 2ist, 1941, the Evening Standard editorial concluded with the following words : —

“If the great dam of the Russian armies now holding back the Nazi avalanche should ever fall, a vast darkness and blight would descend on the hopes of all mankind.”

How circumstances change attitudes !


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