George Galloway to vote Tory

October 2024 Forums General discussion George Galloway to vote Tory

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  • #214524

    Oh, my aching sides, Galloway is going to vote Tory in the upcoming Scottish elections (and for himself on the list). Oh, my aching sides. At least he’s an honest grandstanding, egotistical, manipulative opportunist.


    grandstanding, egotistical, manipulative opportunist.

    A bit like Alex Salmond then who will get more people than him to vote Tory !

    Maybe the Tories are right that an independent Scotland would be a corrupt banana republic?


    Galloway Calls to Vote Tory.

    An application for the party he founded to be called “All for Unity” (A4U)was rejected by an elections body due to incomplete paperwork.

    A serial political party builder, is our GG

    Nor should we forget that he campaigned alongside Nigel Farage for Brexit.

    But as i mentioned in another topic thread, during 2014 Referendum he campaigned for No. So he has stuck to his unionist beliefs on Scottish independence. But why not tell his supporters to vote Labour Party? They still opposing separatism, don’t they?


    His Workers Party of Britain is standing candidates in the local and regional elections on 6 May. On a programme of petty reforms of course.


    Our Scottish branches blog had this short post on the subject of GG

    Bijou Drains

    With echoes (although somewhat of even less significance than Gorgeous George) of the Worker’s Party of Britain.

    Some posters will remember a former long standing member of our party, who rode off on his White Stallion to become an elected councillor for the Seaham Community Party. (and who I believe is going to stand again for election as part of the same party)

    It was gratifying that at least the Seaham Community Party has an understanding of decorum and sense of duty, unlike those unwashed heathens of the SPGB. I’m sure our former comrade had a tear in his eye as he read the sad announcement that the SCP put out:

    The Seaham Community Party would like to extend its sadness in the death of HRH Duke of Edinburgh, a man who proudly served in the Royal Navy and saw action at the Battle of Crete, Battle of Cape Matapan and the Allied invasion of Sicily.

    Appointed as Admiral of the Sea Cadet Force, Colonel-in-Chief of the British Army Cadet force and Commodore-in-Chief of the Air Training Core.

    Prince Phillip worked and supported numerous youth related works and charities throughout his life. The thoughts of everyone at Seaham Community Party are with his family and friends.

    Rest in Peace

    Good to see that our former comrade has maintained his proud principles and beliefs

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    BD, a promising sign of the times that after all the soap-opera Prince Harry coverage, people are getting bored with media concentration on Philip.

    BBC’s wall-to-wall coverage of Prince Philip’s death has become the most complained-about moment in British television history, as viewers expressed their annoyance that shows such as EastEnders and MasterChef were replaced with royal tributes.

    I note Prince Andrew emerged from his self-imposed exile and the media shit-scared to make him address his sex abuse allegations.

    Bijou Drains

    It’s touching that Nigel Farage has written about how important Prince Phillip is to the monarchy and what a fantastic public servant. Usually he would cheerfully stick knifes in the inflatable dinghies that any two year old asylum seekers were attempting to use one to cross the Straights of Dover.


    Some may be interested in this report of how Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain operates


    Since, apparently, George Galloway stands a chance of being elected MP for Rochdale in the by-election there on 29 February as the candidate of the Workers Party here’s that party’s policies:

    Manifesto – Britain Deserves Better

    Here’s a couple of their reforms:

    “we support campaigning to preserve the right to use cash.”

    “we will ensure working class representation throughout the governance of the Bank of England.”

    Which rather belies their claim to be “a socialist party”.

    The rest are the sorts of reforms that the Labour Party used to advocate a long time ago.

    They are very opposed to the Labour Party:

    “we commit to offer a long term and well organised socialist alternative to the corrupt Labour Party, which is now nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

    Since they claim to be a socialist party but aren’t and are only Old Labour reformists you could say they are sheep in wolfs’ clothing.


    In the not so distant past the pro-China Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) in previous by-elections was in an alliance with Galloway’s Workers Party but things have changed. Here is how they now describe the Workers Party:

    “A left-social-democratic vehicle for bourgeois parliamentarism and anti-communism.”

    As Feud Between Galloway and the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) Turns Bitter CPGB ((M-L) accuses George of creating “a left-social-democratic vehicle for bourgeois parliamentarism and anticommunism”. 

    Not entirely inaccurate when you think about it taking the words literally.


    Well, the Communist Party was, after all, the Tory party of the Soviet Union, wasn’t it? So really no change.


    Isn’t a better word for ‘reformists’, ‘broken system fixers’ because they think the market is broken & needs to be fixed by the government?

    As we, of course, know, the market isn’t broken – it’s functioning as intended; it controls what governments can & cannot do – not he other way around.


    Interestingly, Engels once advocated voting Tory:

    “What Aveling told me confirms the suspicion I already had, namely, that Keir Hardie secretly cherishes the wish to lead the new party in a dictatorial way, just as Parnell led the Irish, and that moreover he tends to sympathise with the Conservative Party rather than the Liberal opposition. He publicly declares that Parnell’s experiment, which compelled Gladstone to give in, ought to be repeated at the next election and where it is impossible to nominate a Labour candidate one should vote for the Conservatives, in order to show the Liberals the power of the party. Now this is a policy which under definite circumstances I myself recommended to the English; however, if at the very outset one does not announce it as a possible tactical move but proclaims it as tactics to be followed under any circumstances, then it smells strongly of Champion.”


    I wonder if Engels ever practised what he preached. I doubt it but we know he had the vote as in his life of Engels, The Frock-Coated Communist Tristram Hunt mentions that

    “… when, in 1876, a female candidate bounced up the steps of No. 122 Regents Park Road seeking Engels’s vote for the London School Board elections (for which women were eligible to stand following the 1870 Education Act), he couldn’t help but give her all his seven votes …”

    That would have been Alice Westlake who topped the poll the Marylebone Division (as Engels noted in a letter joking he helped her do this). She was in fact Liberal though not standing as such. Engels would have been voting for her. despite this, to get a woman ekected.

    Presumably Engels would have had a vote in parliamentary elections too but we don’t know if he voted in them. He was in the Marylebone constituency whose MPs were generally Liberals. Since, presumably, the electoral registers for the period are available somewhere there’s a research project here for some student looking for a subject for his Ph.D or at least their Master’s dissertation.

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