Afghan war ending?

September 2024 Forums General discussion Afghan war ending?

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    “The US retreat means that other NATO states have no choice but to pull out most of their own people, a further gift to the Taliban and other armed opposition groups. In all likelihood, unless Biden slows down the withdrawal, most of the NATO units will have left Afghanistan by the end of the year.

    “For Afghanistan, the cost of the war has been huge – with 157,000 people killed over the nineteen years, including more than 43,000 civilians and hundreds of thousands more injured. The war has led to around 2.5 million Afghans becoming refugees; the highest for any state in Asia.”

    Pretty much all my life Afghanistan has been embroiled in war in which the US has been a significant actor: is this finally coming to an end?  Of course, Biden might reverse this trend, but maybe getting out and blaming Trump will suite him.  Leaving Afghanistan does ease the encirclement of Iran a little, so I doubt they will leave the country alone…


    Good news, I very much hope so.
    Yemen? A deal to end the war next is brokered?

    Venezuela? This obviously not for selfish reasons, would benefit the Party. With Venezuela constantly being linked to the failure of  “Socialism.”

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by james19.

    Trump’s ‘legacy’ is going to be that he did not start any new wars and finished some.

    The USA to withdraw its troops from Somalia

    Trump orders US to pull troops from Somalia | US military | The Guardian


    It is similar to the case of the troops from Afganistan, the amount of soldiers reported in those countries is higher, they are just going to pull out some soldiers but they are going to leave the remaining or move it to the next-door neighbour. The USA is not going to leave the whole playground to the Chinese or the Russian. Trump did not start any wars with guns, but he continued the existing wars and placed embargo and threat to other countries and according to international laws that are an act of war, he continues putting pressure on Iran ( and killed two officials which is also an act of war ) Cuba, and Venezuela to please his followers from Miami. The USA has never pulled troops from any place where they place their boots, they take out their troops but they always leave a secretary on the place. They still have troops in Germany and Japan. We do know that wars are not started by a leader, and they are not started by coincidence or by mistake, the capitalist market is the cause of war. and there are not any contradictory frictions with any superpower to start a war yet


    Good news, I very much hope so.
    Yemen? A deal to end the war next is brokered?

    Venezuela? This obviously not for selfish reasons, would benefit the Party. With Venezuela constantly being linked to the failure of  “Socialism.”


    Venezuela is not the only one. There are also saying that Trump is a socialist and he is a pro-corporate socialist. In the USA according to thousands of peoples, the Fire Department is a socialist measure. The main propagator of anti-communism among the working class is the so-called communists who have called communism any state measures to provide  small reforms to the workers, and they continue supporting dictators and capitalist leaders which according to them are socialist leaders


    Donald Trump is preparing the conditions for his possible return on 2024, but I do not think that he is coming back, he is one time deal like Jimmy Carter. Joe Biden is going to provide more benefits, profits and better conditions than Donald Trump to the whole US capitalist class, even more, they made more donations to Biden than to Trump, and the Republican Party leaders are saying that it might be a long road for them to come back again. The peoples that Trump was rejecting and humiliating were the ones who gave the winning ticket to Biden including the American natives, and in four more years the population of Latinos is going to increase rapidly and most of them are democrats. The supporters of Trump are saying that they do not want to be replaced, the problem is that they are getting older, and they are dying, and the young populations are not following their ideas, even more, in Florida, many young Cubans are becoming supporters of Bernie Sanders. Several newspapers outlet were saying that Trump had many Latinos voters, that is not true, it was demonstrated by Juan Gonzales from Democracy Now, he had a large approval in Miami due to the votes of the Cubans and Venezuelans, but the same peoples voted twice for Barrack Obama


    Yemen? A deal to end the war next can be brokered?

    Venezuela? This obviously not for selfish reasons, it would benefit the Party. With Venezuela constantly being linked to a “failure of Socialism.”

    Venezuela is seen as a “failure of Socialism” by most Americans who tweet  on the Party Twitter page.

    Yet the War in Yemen (Syria). UN:  Yemen 14m face starvation, the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in 100 years. Are not seen as the “failure of Capitalism”???

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by james19.

    All US troops are leaving Somalia but military operations will continue. The election campaign for 2024

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by PartisanZ.

    Donald Trump is not ending the war in Afganistan, he is only  cutting the number of soldiers


    I believe he previously boasted of cutting the troops in Germany, many were re-posted to Poland.

    Same with Kurd-occupied Syria, the troops were sent to the oil producing region.



    The troops are going to be sent to the next door neighbor They are not leaving the region It is only an election move for 2024 but it has been proven that he increased the bombardments in all USA wars to 330% He is not an anti wars president and they will not be


    Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️Absolutely dreadful  ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Warning

    British army base Camp Stephen (pictured in link) in Basra, Iraq, where numerous detainees were alleged to have been abused and killed*


    Court finds UK war crimes but will not take action

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by james19.
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