Trouble with this type of reporting is that it omits the other war machine participants, mainly China and Russia. As they say, it takes two to tango.
Breaking Down China’s 2020 Defense Budget | Center for Strategic and International Studies (
What Does China Really Spend on its Military? | ChinaPower Project (
Russia’s military spending: Frequently asked questions | SIPRI
Russian Military Spending (
Even Sweden is increasing its military budget by 40%
Sweden To Increase Defense Spending By 40% Amid Russia Fears (
What we have to do is not go after the usual suspects, the easy villains of the piece but to relate ALL militarism to capitalism and although i admire Jonathan Cook, he fails to do this.
‘…But concrete, identifiable enemies are needed too. Russia, Iran and China give superficial credence to the war machine’s presentation of itself as a “defence” industry…’
In the Chessboard of the Great Powers China, Russia and Iran are not innocent victims.