North Dakota

September 2024 Forums General discussion North Dakota

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  • #209394

    In amongst all the Kremlinology, Covid horror has taken a back seat.  But the news out of North Dakota is horrific.

    North Dakota Hospitals Filling

    They are going to allow asymptomatic covid positive staff to continue working.

    In the first wave, Doctors could travel to hot spots to help: the whole US is becoming a hotspot, though.

    The whole point of trying to control covid infection rates is to spar medical capacity: the North Dakota, they’ve failed, and that will mean higher than even though of excess deaths.

    Given the States  has passed 150K daily cases: which, given the lag between rising cases and deaths means a lot of deaths in about a months time.  And the rate of infections is rising.



    Given the States  has passed 150K daily cases: which, given the lag between rising cases and deaths means a lot of deaths in about a months time.  And the rate of infections is rising.

    Just checked the worldometer site.  There were 175,439 new cases in the US today  (13th).   Pretty alarming.   By comparison China with between 3 and 4 times the population of the US had only 8 new cases though that could be a case of gross under-reporting. Still the difference is phenomenal


    A quick bit of googling suggests that the rate of hospitalisation is 1 in 5  Covid cases, so that’s some huge numbers if that’s the case (of course, hospitalisation is not immediate, so, again, there’s lag behind confirmed case and hospital visit).  1.7 per 100K patients will require ICU, so 3 patients are being admitted in the states, every 2 days at current rates.  From what I’ve seen following a blog over here, ICU beds do not come in big numbers (This blog is from the James Cook in Middlesbrough:

    Teesside has horrible Covid rates, there are 19 critical Covid cases, and 9 ventilated, out of 111 admissions).

    Given an apparent fatality rate of 1%, that’s 1,500 people per day who are getting a death sentence. (plus knock ons from the collapse of the health care system).


    I don’t guide myself by statistic I guide myself by medical principles and this is a very serious disease and peoples are approving politicians instead of the medical sciences


    Covid 19 in the Native reservations of North Dakota


    Elsewhere, it is having a devastating effect on the Navajo people. The Navajo Nation reinstated a stay-at-home lockdown for the entire reservation.


    fighting terrorism since 1492 - Native american | Meme Generator


    It is perhaps a message even more poignant, MS, as we approach that day the invaders call “Thanksgiving.”


    The celebration of a  killing. Like the celebration of Mercedes day, the Spaniard  were killing the Tainos and Saint Mary  helped them to win the battle and they built a church in the same  place that the massacre took place and the soil has been blessed, they have been selling sands for more than 400 years


    MS, i thought you might be interested in this story from Canada and how anti-First People discrimination is deeply entrenched.

    Indigenous man and granddaughter, 12, handcuffed after trying to open bank account | World news | The Guardian

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