MMT Again

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  • #206639

    Of course you are qualified to comment Alan! So-called “Modern Monetary Theory” is basically the view that the government can and should print as much money as it needs to finance its activities without needing to worry about any adverse consequences such as roaring inflation. This is why it’s been said that what MMT stands for is Magic Money Tree. Anybody can refute that. The article you refer to also criticises it after summarising its claims.

    I think we’ve had a thread on them before but here’s a more theoretical refutation of the theory.

    This, from a more conventional reformist standpoint than the MMTers’, isn’t too bad.


    The right-wingers developed their conspiracy and false economic/political/social theories ( smoke screens )  and the leftwingers turn them into their theories. Our problems do not raise at the point of production and market doe not control the economy, now, everything is controlled by the central banks, by bankers, the zionists, two or three individuals, or by a group of individuals hiding behind a curtain planning everything, and government can print all the money that they want without any consequences, and the overissuance of currency does not produce inflation. This is the most eclectic social period that I have seen in my whole life



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