Obituary: Louis Langford
It has been learned that this long-serving member died on Easter Monday this year.
The writer met him whilst working in Salisbury, Wilts., two years ago and remained in touch with him. Despite his 85 years, Louis kept up-to-date with the world around him, even with the difficulty of deafness in both ears and the effect this had on his movements.
He was a member of East Ham Branch in his earlier years, and recalled that during the first world war he had the Branch books buried in his back yard as a precaution against the authorities’ attitude towards the Party at the time.
He was a violinist and played the music-halls, and had many good tales to tell of those bygone days. Despite poor health and disability, he continued to propagate Socialism and passed on pamphlets to anyone who showed interest in the SPGB’s case.
We extend our sympathy to his family and the nephew who informed the writer of Louis’s death.
Bill Buchanan