I wanted to draw a picture of how unsustainable our culture of valuing the product rather than the process and producer(s) is. Why it is important to look back and see and value the real actors in value creation?
So I came up with this short story
<p id=”1ff1″ class=”he hs ap by hg b hh hi ht hj hk hu hl hm hv hn ho hw hp hq hx hr er” data-selectable-paragraph=””>Let me know how you would improve the story or even an entirely new one in the comments.</p>
<p id=”6773″ class=”he hs ap by hg b hh hi ht hj hk hu hl hm hv hn ho hw hp hq hx hr er” data-selectable-paragraph=””>Also what other examples can you think of where we value and reward the product more than producer(s)?</p>