Podcast interview with Party member

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Podcast interview with Party member

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  • #201213

    There’s a long interview (nearly two hours) here by someone in America of comrade Paddy Shannon:



    Do we know roughly what the audience of this podcast has?


    The site owner describes himself as a constitutional conservative ie a Republican, so fairly mainstream, but seems to have an average of 39 downloads per podcast so not immense, however there are no podcasts predating January 2019 which means the site is fairly new.


    An audience of 40-ish non-socialists is not to be sneezed at, Paddy, if it had been a physical meeting. The fact that it was a virtual “meeting” makes little difference in my view.

    What i found useful was the parts of your explanations he centred upon hoping for fuller details…governance in the sense of how decision-making is enacted, the perennial human behaviour question related to the nature of voluntary work.

    I guessed he was a constitutionalist when he went on about inalienable rights and then I saw his other podcasts had that as the topic. For many our own D of P is such a document so we cannot knock his belief in such an idea.

    It is hard to elaborate on what the positives of capitalism are and which parts of it will be adopted although adapted without appearing if we are just another version of capitalism, as he kept suggesting to you. Perhaps there is an opening for a speculative article called, “Capitalism – what we’ll keep and what we won’t” but I think it would set the cat among the pigeons for all manner of dissenting voices.

    It always helps our case to recognise what are the areas of concern to those coming to our position whether from the right or the left, (and they usually coincide despite their supposed political differences) for the first time so we can concentrate our case.

    I always enjoy your analogies…from your  first, the zoom lens close-up to our world-view (particularly when we are now in a world of selfies) and then the porsche and the push-bike revolutionaries.

    I hope you and he do have a return interview.

    We’ll also need to collate a list of similar podcasts willing to let us present our arguments and offer members up to be cross-examined and interrogated. Without outdoor meetings we lack that challenge.





    This is brilliant. The guy voiced most of the concerns people have about socialism and gave Paddy plenty time to explain the case patiently and with hardly any interruption.

    When we get two hours of airtime like this on the BBC, we’ll know we’re going places…

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