Obituary: Michael Evers
Ealing Branch report with regret the death of Michael Evers, who died on July 2Sth, 1963, at the age of 38.
Comrade Evers joined the Party and Ealing Branch in 1951 and was for several years Branch Secretary. Members knew him as a most efficient comrade, always to be depended on to carry out any Party work requested of him by the Branch, be it his secretarial duties, canvassing or arranging and organizing meetings, film shows, etc.
Mick was determined and stubborn in whatever he did, in his football refereeing, his golfing, his enjoyment of branch social activities in which he wholeheartedly participated and the hard routine of Party work which is the essence of the Socialist movement.
Ealing members—and the writer, who knew him from the day he joined the Party—wish to record this last appreciation of Mick Evers’ ready co-operation in every activity relating to the Branch and the Party and of all the work he contributed on their behalf.
Eddie Warnecke