Medicalisation of Politics

September 2024 Forums General discussion Medicalisation of Politics

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  • #192587

    Am i the only person who thinks that holding a political belief is not a pathological illness that can be cured by psychological counselling.

    Is terrorism a disease?

    Socialists argue from a political basis on the understanding that everyone is rational and reasonable and are susceptible to explanations put over in a clear logical manner.

    Are some so entrenched in their views that they can never be swayed and require re-programming and rehabilitation?

    If so – just where is the dividing lines between propaganda and indoctrination?

    If so, are people imbued with capitalist ideology incapable of breaking free.

    Is there a “fear of freedom”?

    Is politics a medical condition?


    I daresay just about anything can be given a medical condition.

    But there is a difference between being a radical extremist and being imbued with capitalist ideology. Probably most of us in the WSM were at one time imbued with capitalist ideology but we managed to see through it.

    I think most people have a fear of anything that might impinge too much on their everyday lives. However much they might want to be ‘free’ – of their jobs or whatever rut they are in – many will react vehemently against ideas that make them feel insecure. Which is probably what our ideas do. But the more we can repeat them, the more they are likely to catch hold.


    When I heard that item on the news I thought, yes, they are trying to do what the Chinese government is trying to do with the Uighurs or at least any of them they suspect of being actual or potential Islamist fanatics ie brainwash their ideas out of them. Doesn’t seem to work though. For that you’d have to change the miserable social conditions that gave rise to such a “radicalisation” and they can’t do that.

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