Fallout from General Election

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Fallout from General Election

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  • #191885

    The polls seem to suggest that Boris Johnson and the Tories are on course to achieve a substantial majority in the forthcoming elections.  If so Corbyn will probably resign as leader of the opposition and the whole Corbynista movement will likely unravel. Labour may well shift to the right as happened in the past (remember what happened after Michael Foot).


    I am wondering how all this will affect the SPGB.  We know many workers, and even a few ex members of this party, opted to support the Corbyn agenda on the grounds that at least it is progressive and letting the Tories back in is unthinkable.  But if the Tories do get back in what then? How will these Corbyn supporters respond?   Is there anything we can do or say that will encourage them to finally cut their ties with the politics of reformism?  How can we adapt our approach to enable these people to be more receptive to what we have to say….


    My initial  suspicion is that defeat  for the Labour Party and the resulting bitterness it will cause, will probably harden their current thinking


    Any thoughts?

    Bijou Drains

    Sadly I agree, it seems to me that rather seeing a defeat for Corbyn as a defeat for Reformism, they see it as a defeat for progress. The annoying thing is that I know loads of people, and I’m sure others do as well, who agree with the party case but say that because the numbers are small we lack credibility, but the numbers are small because fools like them keep voting for Corbyn or Foot or even Blair. If in even one constituency we could gain a share of the vote above 5%, I genuinely think the snowball effect could start.


    What about the opposite but unlikely outcome of a Labour win? I don’t want to sound like a Trot tactician but, as we know that they would fail in less than two years and end up being forced by the economic laws of capitalism to put profits before their promises to meet people’s needs and improve their lot, that should make a few more turn to socialism. On the other hand past failures of Labour governments has led many more to turn to outfits like the National Front.

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