July 2019 EC minutes

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement July 2019 EC minutes

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  • #188890


    [Note: These are draft minutes only and are not official until adopted by the EC]

    Present: C.Alvarenga, M.Browne, D.Chesham, M.Foster, T.Hart, S.Kennedy, M.Tenner (P.Shannon via Skype)

    Apologies: G.Thomas, C.Dee

    Meeting opened at 1:24pm

    1. Election of Chair: M.Browne
    Tenner/Foster – Agreed

    2. Minutes of the previous meeting, business arising therefrom and the General Secretary’s raising of Notices of Motion and Business from previous meetings

    (a) Amendment and adoption of the minutes of the June 2019 meeting
    RESOLUTION – Foster/Hart: “That the minutes be adopted.”  (Agreed)

    (b) Matters arising from the February 2019 meeting minutes
    i) Costings from Internet Committee for WSM website & alternative video sites
    Comrade Shannon reports that in his investigation that this can be done without the involvement of the Internet Committee through such means as Skype – video conference, something which is free and has a maximum number of participants numbering 15. Does not require an app to be downloaded nor an account to be created. In regards to an in page display of the agenda, this would require the involvement of the Internet Committee.

    Comrades Kennedy, Hart, Chesham and Shannon to test the usefulness of this.

    (c) Matter arising from the March 2019 meeting minutes
    i) Agenda restructuring
    RESOLUTION – Shannon/Foster: “That correspondence (item 7) falls above notices of motion (item 5) within the restructured agenda.” 5-0-2 (Carried)
    RESOLUTION – Foster/Shannon: “That the proposed agenda be accepted as amended.” 6-0-2 (Carried)

    (d) Matters arising from the April 2019 meeting minutes
    i) Ad hoc Committee on Party regional restructuring

    Two nominations have already been received but a further call for nominations be made, with a deadline of noon on Friday 23 August.

    (e) Notices of Motion

    (f) Notices of Business
    i) Insert into the i newspaper
    RESOLUTION – Chesham/Foster: “That the party place an insert into the weekend Scottish edition of the i newspaper as soon as convenient costing £432 plus vat and printing.” 7-1-0 (Carried)

    Meeting adjourned for break at 2:53pm – Meeting resumed at 3:15pm

    ii) Email from Comrade Tenner requesting: that precedence be given to improving the appearance of the Party’s website over proposed expenditure on a WSM website.
    RESOLUTION – Foster/Kennedy: “The EC asks Comrade Shannon to liaise with the Internet Committee and other people with expertise about improving the design of the SPGB website.” 7-0-0 (Carried)

    iii) Email from Comrade Tenner requesting: that the EC assumes responsibility for activities encompassed by the non-functioning Campaigns committee (debates with political organisations and publications; approaches to student bodies; vehicular distribution of literature; sticker campaigns; attendance at political and other meetings; planned interventions in radio ‘phone-in programmes; slots on radio programmes; expansion of social activities; musical events; stalls at fairs; and so on).

    (g) Matters outstanding from previous minutes
    i) World Socialist Party of America funding: Comrade Robin Cox’s email correspondence
    RESOLUTION – Tenner/Kennedy: “That the funds (£5000) as requested be transferred.” – Division requested by Comrade Foster
    In favour (Chesham, Kennedy, Tenner) Against (Alvarenga, Browne, Foster, Hart) Abstention (Shannon) 3-4-1 (Falls)
    RESOLUTION – Foster/Shannon: “The issue of potential transfer of funds to the SWPUS be deferred to the August EC meeting providing clarification of the legalities of transferring funds by the SPGB Treasurer and details of the WSPUS bank account.” – Division requested by Comrade Browne
    In favour (Alvarenga, Browne, Chesham, Foster, Hart, Shannon) Against (Kennedy, Tenner) No Abstentions 6-2-0 (Carried)

    3. Forms A and F
    (a) Form A for EM (via Membership Applications Committee) Accepted
    (b) Form A for CK (via Membership Applications Committee) Accepted
    (c) Form F for Rodney Glover   (resigned – disagreement)
    That the form F be accepted 6-1-0 (Carried)

    4. Treasurer
    (a) SPGB Data Compliance Recommendations Implementation Report Deferred

    Comrades Foster and Browne leave the meeting
    Comrade Chesham appointed Chair

    5. Reports of Party Officers, Party Appointees, Subcommittees, and Departments; discussion of advertising, campaigns, and The Socialist Standard

    (a) Report of the Ballot Committee
    Item 1 to be dealt with by the General Secretary in coordination with Branches and applicable Party Officers
    Item 7 to be referred to Standing Orders
    Item 8 to be referred to the Internet Committee
    Item 9 a call out be made for nominations to fill an adhoc committee to look into increasing female membership

    6. Correspondence

    (a) Matters of urgency

    (b) Correspondence from or concerning Branches, the Party in general, and members
    i) Resolution from Kent & Sussex Regional (9 June, carried 5-0–0): “That the EC be asked to fund the purchase of 250 enamel SPGB logo badges from Badgemaster at a cost of £549.45 for resale through head office at a cost of £4.00 including postage and packaging, or £3.00 without.”
    RESOLUTION – Shannon/Kennedy: “That the requested expenditure be approved.” (Agreed)

    Comrade Hart leaves the meeting

    ii) Delivery of the Socialist Standard from the printers and its dispatch from Head Office
    Comrade Chesham reported that the delivery of the Standard from Bishops (the printers) had been erratic over recent months which had resulted in members who dispatch it to subscribers, Branches, etc, having to wait around Head Office for several hours in some instances.
    RESOLUTION – Kennedy/Shannon: “That Cde Shannon liaise with other members of the Socialist Standard Production Committee to find a new printer.” 4-0-1 (Carried)

    iii) Action Detrimental Charge
    Darrell Whitehead against Lancaster Branch

    (c) Correspondence from Companion Parties and Groups

    (d) All other correspondence

    7. Any other business

    8. Nomination of Chair for the next meeting

    9. Electoral Commission returns

    Meeting adjourned at 5:51pm


    The Forms ‘A’ referred to in the above minutes are for Ewan Martin and Cameron Kane.  We welcome them to membership of the Party.


    The Socialist Party should double check the legal implication, or do some legal research about   transferring funds from England to the USA  for a political organization


    “The Socialist Party should double check the legal implication, or do some legal research about transferring funds from England to the USA for a political organization”

    We are in the process of doing this.

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