Anti-Trump Protests

July 2024 Forums General discussion Anti-Trump Protests


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  • #186313

    It is projected that Trump’s visit to London will result in a huge protest in early June

    Another outing for our hard pressed London-area members?  Another leaflet to be quickly drafted and printed for a hand-out?


    Stephen H

    The liberal outrage is coming to other cities too. There’s going to be protest against Trump in Portsmouth, for example, on June 5th. A flyer/leaflet would be useful, along the lines of ‘The Problem Isn’t Trump, It’s Capitalism’.

    I thought that this headline was quite amusing: Sadiq Khan says Trump is ‘not in the same class’ as Obama and Bush. Of course, we know that he is.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Stephen H.

    I re-blogged this article a while ago and I am sure it resonates with many

    “…Liberals and other Democrats are getting dumber by the day…It’s all about Trump. It’s Trump this, Trump that. All day long. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, and Trump some more…There’s no social and power structures that matter. There’s no underlying class rule or longstanding capitalist ecocide, no dominant oppressive institutions, no ideologies that matter….no history that matters.

    Racism? It’s cuz of Trump.
    Sexism? Trump did it.
    Threat of nuclear holocaust? Blame Trump.
    Inequality and plutocracy? The handiwork of Boss Tweet, that bastard.
    Climate change? You know the answer: big stupid Trump.
    Liberals have fallen prey to … “the Trump Effect of whitewashing and absolving this rightwing system.”…
    “Their fixation on Trump,” Vivek Jain writes… “allows them to ignore the wickedness of capitalism and of the US government.”
    “Trump is a great distraction,” Tom Wetzel writes, a “cover for elite interests: ‘if only there wasn’t some obviously racist clown in the white house everything would be cool.’ ”

    …things would be just super if the Wall Street War Hawk and arch-elitist “Queen of Chaos” was back in the White House. You betchya!…The solution to everything wrong in the world for liberals is getting a corporate military Democrat in the White House…maybe Oprah Winfrey. Or Michelle Obama….”

    Also worth the read is this, another re-blog

    Stephen H

    Thanks for the links, Alan, I’ll take a look. With just a few modifications, the above text would make for a good leaflet. FWIW, below is something I wrote about Trump, from 2016 (a tad pretentiously, on reflection…)


    “His cupboard bare; his vision hardwired” – Wire, ‘Internal Exile’

    As some wag tweeted after the recent presidential election, orange is the new black: Trump the Terrible will soon replace Oleaginous Obama as the leader of the world’s most powerful nation. Trump’s white nationalist supporters and hangers-on are naturally ecstatic – and some of them may even find positions of power in the new administration.

    Trump himself, of course, is a thoroughly rebarbative figure, a blundering clown in the freakshow of American democracy. Every element of his face betrays his nastiness and narcissism: the florid cheeks with their expression veering between phoney solemnity and leering frivolity; the puckered, hole-in-a-pie mouth, twisted at the corners into a rictus of sneering contempt; the cold, watchful eyes of a deep ocean predator. Groucho Marx once said, ‘I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll be glad to make an exception’. But we will not be allowed to forget. For the next four years at least, Trump’s fleshy fizog will be squinting and gurning from every television screen and social media feed, a demented icon of capitalist degeneracy.

    Although the competition is fierce, Trump might just be the most dimwitted president in US history. This is, after all, the man who publicly said 7-Eleven when he meant 9/11. He is certainly highly dysfunctional, hailing from a traumatizing and traumatized family. Like his father (by all accounts), Trump is a bully, a psychologically damaged man who is now projecting his own malignancy onto a range of officially sanctioned Others: Mexicans, Muslims and women. From a psychoanalytical point of view, his tough-guy persona might be explained in terms of the ‘traumatic bond’ that often forms between victim and abuser, which in Trump’s case was likely forged with his father in childhood. This ‘identification with the aggressor’, as Sándor Ferenczi famously called this kind of defence mechanism, might also explain the appeal of Trump for the many disgruntled left-behinds who voted for him: in a harsh and unforgiving world, it’s best to keep on side with Big Daddy, however obscene his behaviour.

    While it is unlikely that Trump will go through with all, or even many of his pledges, we can expect the policies of Trump’s administration broadly to match the reactionary rhetoric of his presidential campaign. Disaster certainly beckons – for workers, minorities and the environment.

    But some context and a sense of proportion is also needed.

    Judging by mainstream journalism and social media commentary, most liberals reckon a Trump presidency to be a worse outcome than a Hillary Clinton one would have been. I am not so sure. While the Orange One is undoubtedly a monstrously vulgar reactionary capitalist, Clinton is a thoroughgoing neoliberal and a corrupt sadist. Who can forget her derisive quip following the butchering of Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi in a drainage pipe: ‘we came, we saw, he died’? And as Secretary of State under Obama, ‘Killary’ was responsible not just for cruel words, but for spreading real death and destruction across the globe. There is no reason to assume that she represented the lesser of two evils in the recent election.

    Similar points could be made about the relationship of Trump to his predecessor, Barack Obama. Many liberal commentators see the passage from Obama to Trump in terms of what Carl Jung called enantiodromia – a radical transition from good to evil. Throughout the election campaign, they execrated Trump’s every racist remark and lewd confession – and even seemed to derive a perverse enjoyment from doing so. And when Trump emerged victorious, some US liberals even expressed a desire to emigrate before the nasty stuff got underway (I’m a cosmopolitan individualist, get me out of here). But while liberals have revelled in the daily reports of Trump’s bigotry, they have generally been silent on the crimes of the man who was US president for the past eight years. When these crimes are considered, Trump’s succession appears less like a break with the past and more like business as usual.

    So let’s briefly consider Obama’s track record. Obama implemented – and lied about – an unprecedented surveillance campaign against his own population, waged a veritable war on whistleblowers, normalized extrajudicial killing, deported more immigrants than Clinton and Bush combined, and presided, with Hillary Clinton, over the destruction of Libya. Nor was Obama averse to expressions of Trump-style narcissism. In reference to his global drone murder programme – described by Noam Chomsky as ‘the biggest terrorist campaign in history’ – Obama is reported to have made a typically creepy joke to his aides: ‘it turns out I’m really good at killing people’ (an example, perhaps, of what psychoanalysts call ‘defence through admission’). And who can forget his violent and patriarchal Correspondents Dinner ‘joke’ about using predator drones to take out potential suitors to his daughters. During the financial crisis, meanwhile, Obama showed himself to be the friend of the bankers and the hammer of the working class, bailing out the banks and opposing a moratorium on home foreclosures.

    Indeed, it should surprise nobody that the Obama years saw an unprecedented transfer of wealth in the United States from the poor to the rich. Trump, should he actually manage to survive as President, will surely bring misery to the working class at home and abroad; but Obama, the slick desk-bound assassin, has been doing precisely that for the last eight years, even if the US liberal-left, hopelessly lost in the labyrinths of identity politics, has largely proved unwilling to criticize his administration. Whatever else it stands for, then, Trump’s triumph hardly represents a rolling back of eight years of enlightened governance. This is no Orange Thermidor.

    Nevertheless, the shift from Obama to Trump is not just a changing of the guard, a transition from Tweedledum to Tweedledumber. Trump’s victory, like the Brexit vote in the UK, does seem to signal a certain reconfiguration of forces in the post-crisis political landscape. The so-called ‘neoliberal’ political consensus of the past few decades is facing a challenge to its legitimacy and this, it seems, is giving rise to new strategies of ideological containment. This not a resurgence of fascism. Some ultra-right elements in the US have certainly been emboldened, even empowered in the wake of Trump’s success. But this is not the 1930s and Trump is not a new Hitler, popular as such tropes are among many liberal activists. Rather, it is right-wing populism that is the order of the day and Trump’s rise is mirrored in the ascendance of regressive strongmen all across the international stage: Duterte, Orbán, Erdoğan and other xenophobic demagogues.

    The precise meaning of this populist turn is not yet clear. Some radical analysts argue that the populist surge actually operates against the interests of dominant ruling class factions and thus represents a certain strategic impasse and even a loss of control among the bourgeoisie in the established democracies. According to this view, all is not well with the ruling order. Yet even if this analysis is correct, given the current absence of almost any serious working-class struggle (or even, let’s be honest, basic organization) in most parts of the world, this destabilization of global politics is a potentially dangerous development.

    As socialists, we can only reiterate that populism and charismatic leadership, whether in its right-wing or left-wing form, is not the answer to our problems. To those seeking a world without exploitation, war, xenophobia, racism and sexism, it matters little which butcher is currently wielding the cleaver over what Hegel called the ‘slaughter bench of history’. As Marx insisted, the liberation of the working class must be conquered by the working class itself. With this in mind, we should reject the idea that salvation lies in a nicer president or more enlightened prime minister. Whether black, white or tangerine, these politicians speak and act in the interests of the ruling class. In the immortal words of the punk group Crass, ‘we’ve got to learn to reject all leaders, and the passive shit they feed us’. When Trump fails to make America – or anything else – great, we socialists will still be around, arguing that our future rests in our own hands.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Stephen H.

    Hi Stephen


    That’s excellent stuff you’ve written there.   Have you thought about possibly posting this on the revived WSPUS site?

    Stephen H

    Happy for anybody to re-post it, although it is from 2016 so may may need some contextualisation.


    Is there a link and a title for the text?  I can pass it on to WSPUS


    On the blog with the simple title A View on Trump


    Stephen H

    Is there a link and a title for the text?  I can pass it on to WSPUS

    Here’s a link to my blog if that helps (title: From Obama to Trump: An Orange Thermidor?’):


    Here’s the leaflet that’s been requested.



    For the benefit of those thinking of leafleting the Trump protest.

    No photo description available.


    If anybody wants to go  the leaflets can be ordered or collected from Head Office. Not going myself as I don’t fancy being kettled. Both sides will be out for a fight. The police after having to be gentle with the Extinction people and the Black Blob because they are like that.


    If anybody wants to help distribute these, PM Stephen Harper. Comrades will be at Southsea seafront ‘leafletting the liberals’ who will be protesting against Trump’s D-Day commemoration visit on Wednesday, 5 June.


    I don’t mind going to this one in a couple of weeks to distribute any leftover leaflets. It’s organised by the Marxist Humanists who have gone completely off the rails over “Trumpism” (including, sadly, Andrew Kliman):

    Donald Trump–An Extraordinary Danger to the World. What We Can Do
    Birkbeck College, Room B18
    Mallet Street, London WC1E 7HX
    7:00 pm Tuesday, 18 June, 2019

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