Placards for Houses

July 2024 Forums General discussion Placards for Houses

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  • #185427

    Hi Guys,

    I’m just wondering what you think of this as an idea.

    I know the SPGB don’t stand in all areas, but I was wondering if there was potential for having election placards much like the major parties do, in election periods.

    It may at the very least get some coverage for a relatively low cost.

    I live on a very busy roundabout in Birmingham opposite a pub and so forth. Would definitely get seen, just an example if others were willing to consider similar?


    What do we reckon?




    Also forgot to mention I’m a new member


    “I live on a very busy roundabout in Birmingham opposite a pub”

    A flippant response is that it might be a recipe for your window to be stoved in at closing time.

    But as a child of the 70s I recall we all had posters on our walls. Something that is missing now.

    Others of earlier generations will note that the Party advertised pictures of Marx and Engels for sale.

    One comrade has done his best to produce such things as calendars

    But another did this, James


    Hi Alan,

    Fortunately I’m above shop level, so they’d have to be a good shot…

    I’d definitely be interested in something along those lines, was that self produced?




    What about the idea (on one of our FB sites) of hiring a big red bus during the election period fully equipped with  a loud speaker, tons of leaflets to give out and of course, bedecked in placards?


    Saying that if we vote to Leave capitalism we can devote more resources to the health service (and everything else)?


    Catch the bus to socialism


    Saying that if we vote to Leave capitalism we can devote more resources to the health service (and everything else)?


    Not a bad idea actually, This has the potential to become quite a clever slogan to catch people’s attention.   How might it be worded?


    Wherever I go I take my SPGB

    hat and  my SPGB handbag


    Some good slogans around Brexit as well as any leaflets to circulate with further detail in conjunction?

    “Brexit? Socialism”

    “Leave Capitalism”

    Keep it simple? Or as Robbo says make reference to more resources.

    “More resources for working people? We need Socialism, not Brexit. Leave Capitalism”

    Or variants of this.

    Despite the shortsightedness of the issue the word Brexit seems to bother workers (no doubt it’s wearing a bit thin but EU elections keep it relevant), so at least including the word could encourage them to engage.

    Again this is the sort of thing I’d definitely advertise either through a placard or leafletting etc

    Any thoughts ?


    “I’d definitely be interested in something along those lines, was that self produced?

    Yes, and voters in the Harbour ward of Folkestone, where this placard was displayed, will have their fourth opportunity in six years to vote for socialism when they go to the polls to re-elect the District Council on Thursday, 2nd May.  In fact, the 4000+ Harbour ward electors will be able to vote twice for Socialism on 2nd May, as we are also standing for the Town Council in the same ward.  Comrade Andy Thomas is our candidate for both contests.

    By the way, James, as you probably know, the Party’s Annual Conference takes place next weekend where ideas like these can be discussed.  We very much hope you’ll be able to join us.  Travelling and other expenses can be claimed.

    Conference 2019 (Head Office from 10.30am) Day 1


    “Make ‘Leaving Europe’ irrelevant – Let’s Leave Capitalism!”

    “Stuff Europe, Stuff Britain – there’s nothing for the Workers to gain”

    “Capital-exit, not Brexit’

    “Brexit or Bremain – Capitalism is still the same”


    Another stiff whiskey to get the creative juices flowing and I will try and come up with a few more …LOL


    Hello Dave,

    That’s great. I have friends in the South East (but not Folkestone, unfortunately) but if we stand in the South East at the EU elections I’d be sure to speak with them about the SPGB.

    Thank you for pointing out the conference. I believe I am free next weekend. Just to clarify, a couple of people from the West Midlands have been nominated as delegates, could I still attend just as a member?

    Haha Robbo, what time is it where you are? Either way, some good slogans there

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by JClark96.

    “Thank you for pointing out the conference. I believe I am free next weekend. Just to clarify, a couple of people from the West Midlands have been nominated as delegates, could I still attend just as a member?”

    Absolutely no problem whatever, James.  In fact, anyone may attend whether or not they are a member.

    Members are at liberty to stay overnight on the premises over Conference although anyone wishing to do so is advised to bring their own sleeping bag.  There are showering facilities on the premises and light lunches and refreshments will be available on both days.

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