Christchurch Killings

November 2024 Forums General discussion Christchurch Killings

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  • #184501

    The SOYMB blog took it upon itself to issue a statement about the murders in the  mosques on behalf of the WSP(NZ)

    Apologies for the hackneyed clichés copied and pasted from earlier outrages.


    There’s a disturbing thread on libcom about the nutter’s claim to be some sort of “eco-fascist” ( when “I was young I was a communist, then an anarchist and finally a libertarian before coming to be an eco-fascist”):


    Not so sure if the thread is disturbing, but the fact that his political lineage of being an ex-communist, ex-anarchist led to him being a self-styled eco-fascist via libertarianism (i’m guessing right wing  American version) does disturb me. What was it in anarchism and communism he rejected?

    I recall we had some sort of “national”-anarchist on this forum a while ago who was not a racist but a racialist. TBH, I still don’t know the difference.


    I don’t suppose he was a communist in our sense but rather in the Russian (or Chinese) sense. I would put the question the other way round: what was it that attracted him for a while to “communism” and to anarchism? The link between anarchism and (US) libertarianism is easy of course.


    Mussolini of course was a leftist. Mosley a Labourite. I am sure you can add to the leftists who shifted right-wards.

    Equally, we know many on the right who  moved to the left and one or two who even joined us. But did they stay or was their trajectory fleeting?


    This from that libcom thread is  really disturbing:

    Joshua Clover (of Commune editions, and author of the book Riot-Strike-Riot’) posted a thread on twitter a day ago, close-reading the perpetrator’s manifesto, and he observes that the “threat to whiteness” that white supremacists perceive, is actually strikingly parallel to the unfolding climate crisis and the likely pressures this will put on the bastions of capitalism/imperialism and white privilege tied up with them. Hence climate crisis is “a secret key to the whole terrible rant”.

    The widespread theories of “replacement” and “white genocide”, Clover says, are like a “fantastic form” for the very real prospects of catastrophic climate change, resulting migration flows and competition for resources etc. and hence the anticipations of a genocidal war from those who think the west should be a bastion to provide only white people with security.


    A new conspiracy theory is born. A fruit case has posted a clip on our facebook page claiming that the video the nutter took of his massacre must have been doctored or perhaps is a fake.


    Mussolini of course was a leftist. Mosley a Labourite. I am sure you can add to the leftists who shifted right-wards.

    Equally, we know many on the right who  moved to the left and one or two who even joined us. But did they stay or was their trajectory fleeting?


    I know many so called Marxist-Leninists who have moved to the right, and they are as reactionary as any other right wingers. Most of those so called Anarchists, they belong to the Anarcho-capitalist-Capitalist current which are not anarchist


    A little longer and a bit more general observation about terrorism and political violence on our blog



    Pure hypocrisy of the New Zealand and the Australians governments and their  Congress  when they have spent years propagating anti-emigration, and anti-Muslim sentiments within the population. Arabs and Muslim emigration in New Zealand have been taking place for several decades. If we are going to talk about invasions the real invader  are the ones who took that territory from the original natives

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