Mandelblit to charge Netanyahu with corruption

July 2024 Forums General discussion Mandelblit to charge Netanyahu with corruption

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    Israel- Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit decided to charge Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,Friday 18th Jan (media source) Israel.

    At present the sources are unknown.


    Obviously the removal of Netanyahu will change middle east political history…….








    “Obviously the removal of Netanyahu will change middle east political history…”

    Not 100% sure if that is said with tongue firmly in cheek. Irony and sarcasm rarely succeeds on web-posts.

    But will any future Israeli government be any better or worse?

    Netanyahu has repeatedly said he will not step down even if indicted.

    But perhaps a sign of the times is the new Israel Resilience Party’s slogan, “Israel Before Everything,”  and its echo of “Deutschland Uber Alles” (Germany above all).

    Benny Gantz, is a former army chief of staff who announced months ago he would challenge Netanyahu, recently stood before a video camera — and uttered a total of 17 words, six of which were “I think I spoke too much.”
    Gantz is largely unknown to Israelis, who observed from afar his bemedaled military career. He has no known policy positions and has tried to cultivate the mystique of a successful, competent and disinterested officer who led Israel’s army from 2011 and 2015. He is also a political neophyte stepping into a raucous, some say merciless, political arena.

    But Israeli governments are always coalitions so victory goes to who can make deal or no deal.


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