Day One

July 2024 Forums General discussion Day One

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  • #176455

    As a mental exercise

    Let us assume we have won the general election and the SPGB is now the majority party in Parliament. It should all be quite simple and straight forward if it has been prepared for beforehand but who would care to speculate on what actions the SPGB would take, as our MP members take their seats. The issue of the oath has already been clarified with the election of the first SPGB MP now we have to decide if we go to Buckingham Palace and seek the sovereign’s approval to form HM government.

    Much of the infrastructure to carry out the transition to socialism is already in place. What we don’t yet have are people that can be relied upon to carry out the required changes, the senior Civil Servants I think we can presume will continue to act in the interest of their class interests. Like most of the existing government departments that could be transformed simply by replacing the people that have been controlling them for many years with different officials who are not so deeply indoctrinated. Whether it is individuals or perhaps organs that have grown up parallel inside government departments and civil service unions with the rise of socialist ideas who knows. Would new more appropriate ministries be created, while dismantling others? Or is this too much of a resemblance of the SPGB “taking office”?

    What would the first (and some might say the final) legislative bill to come before Parliament?


    The world is our home! ………  a bill based on equality,world peace and human rights…….I got your first back Alan.

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