The YCL’s Land of Hope and Glory

One thing about the Young “Communist” League: no one can accuse them of being internationalists. Time was, of course, when—like their CP senior—they were slavish Kremlinites. Today their old Russian nationalism has given way to a more respectable British nationalism.

“It is plain to see that Britain, with an outdated way of life, no longer stands among the foremost nations of the world”, they lament, adding, Wilson-like: “We want to change the whole way the country is run, to get Britain out of the rut and moving forward.” (The Trend—Communism).

Not so long ago, discussion with members of the “Communist” Party or Young “Communist” League produced, from their side, little more than naive eulogies of the Russian workers’ paradise. Today, any mention of Russian state capitalism on our part usually gets the embarrassed rejoinder: “We’ll build British socialism so as to make the Russians envious”, or some such disclaimer. It has become increasingly difficult for any well-informed person to hold that the Soviet system is fundamentally different from the West: a more plausible line is to claim that here and there they can plan things a bit more efficiently. Not that we want to accuse the YCL of being well-informed, either. But the spectacle of the world’s two biggest “socialist” states rattling sabres at each other with jingoistic ferocity should be enough to shake the most paranoid of the Moscow flock.

Naturally the YCLers want the best of all worlds: the Romantic legend of the barricades and red banners, plus an ultra-modern teenage image—and of course, dear old Britain. Their horrible mixture of trendy imbecility, starry-eyed echoes of revolution, and patriotism, is summed up in passage of lyrical splendour like

    “The old-fashioned way our country is run is turning Britain into a backward-facing country; in the past we have see Conservative and Liberal governments; these are old parties with old ideas; they have failed to make Britain a country for all people, not just the rich. Now we have a Labour government which could change Britain, but which is following the old out-dated ideas. We want to change Britain into a Britain for everybody.” (Who is Wrong—Youth or Britain?)

They do talk a lot about “socialism”. They do use Marxist terminology. They do draw attention to many of the abuses of capitalism. (What capitalist party doesn’t?) And they do insist, at least verbally, on making radical changes in the structure of society. “We Communists make no secret of our aims,” they state—a ludicrous near-quote from the 1847 Manifesto. To some extent this is true. Through the fog of image-building phrases it is possible to interpret broadly what the YCL wants. What is it?

First of all, as we have pointed out, they are good patriots. Secondly, they are full of advice about how to run capitalism: “U.S. Hands Off Vietnam,” “Jobs Not Bombs” etc. They are bold reformists, unaware that it is impossible to run capitalism in the interests of its wage-slaves.

They will be quick to point out that these are only “immediate demands.” What they’re ultimately after is “socialism.” But words are cheap. What do they mean by this? There can be no doubt about this. They persist in referring to Russia’s allies as “the socialist countries.” They are still firmly committed to support a type of society basically like that in Russia. But they also give a description of “a socialist Britain”: a list of reforms including cheaper rents, cheaper transport, ending unemployment, shorter working hours, equal pay for women, more sports and arts facilities, “democracy in industry,” cheaper holidays, and “a good pension.” Most of these are advocated by every capitalist party, and none of them touches the basis of capitalism. Of course, they are all to be welcomed if we can get them (with the possible exception of  “democracy in industry,” which if Russia is anything to go by means castration of the unions). But they do not affect the root cause of most human misery, which is the system of production for profit.

There are two items missed out of the above summary of the YCL’s “socialist Britain,” because they are worth examining more closely:

    “You go to work . . . to a factory that used to be owned by Fords. But that was in the past. It’s against the law now to make money out of others’ work. Ford’s belongs to the people who work there and so do the profits of course.

    . . . but would you be free? Well, if you mean are there other political parties, yes there are. Mind you, there no millionaires to back the Tory party.”

Obviously the YCL has the idea that it is possible to look at society and just eliminate its undesirable features piecemeal. It is not. There are some aspects of society which entail certain consequences. For instance, if there is production for sales at a profit, there are bound to be great inequality of wealth, as the example of Russia has shown. Lenin apparently sincerely thought his government could introduce equal wages for everybody, but the economic laws of capitalism dictated that there should be wide differentials. There are millionaires in Russia, after 50 years of “socialist” rule. Why? And would Britain, if the “Communists” came to power, allow them to do what they are unable to do in Russia or Eastern Europe?

At least the YCL doesn’t want to take away the measure of political democracy we have—but why don’t they draw the logical conclusion and denounce its absence in Russia?

The YCL is currently selling copies of “a great, new, top quality, hand screen-printed poster of an original lithographic drawing of Karl Marx.”

A father-figure for the bedroom wall isn’t good enough. If the YCLers claim to be Marxists they ought to read Marx, and try it without the spectacles of Lenin or Emile Burns. They might them wonder why Marx put such emphasis on his “revolutionary watchword, ‘Abolition of the wages system!'” Or why he stressed that the existence of the state was a sure sign of class coercion. Pondering questions like these would lead unbigoted members of the YCL to see through the pseudo-revolutionary catchphrases of the “Communist” Party to the reformist futility these shoddy words conceal.


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